Late blooming roo?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 1, 2014
Venango, PA
Is this a late blooming roo or a pullet close to POL?


The bottom one is Richard. Same age. 15 weeks
I have a late blooming roo...same age and breed as the rest of my roos but smaller comb and hasn't crowed yet...tell tale sign when you have a late bloomer (at least in my experience) is the saddle feathers which are the pointy ones on that back and of course the tail feathers usually too...they always come in about the same time no matter what when everything else seems to take forever on
Hmmm....I'm not seeing saddle feathers at all....they're looking pretty rounded to me...did you compare the feather shape of the back feathers closest to the tail to a definite roo?
Yes and they are not similar at all... It's so weird because it looks so much like a boy and the personality is a lot like my other 4. (Yes 4 to 5 roos and I was only supposed to have one!) haha
If it wasn't for the saddle feathers and tail feathers on my roo Marshmallow I'd say he's a hen (he's my avatar photo) He's the same age as a few of my other roos, but more "dainty" I guess you could say...has never crowed yet at 20 weeks old, has never fought for king of the flock, he's not as broad, comb is still small and not even close to as red as the others..he acts just like one of the hens...makes me wonder if he's just a hen trapped in a roos

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