Late hello

Chicken Girl1

Queen of the Coop
6 Years
Mar 3, 2015
Hello fellow BYC members!

Long story short I have been a part of BYC for awhile but never got around to formally introducing myself so here I am
. So for y'all who don't know me I'm a chicken girl who lives in Northern Virginia, who has been raising chickens for about 4 years at the moment I have a flock of 17 lovely ladies. Oh, I am also a constant victim of "chicken math"
. I love poultry (especially chickens) and herd animals (especially horses, but I only have chickens at the moment) . You can usaully find me browsing the What Breed Or Gender is This? forum or the Random Ramblings forum, I try to help when I can and appreciate all who help me all the time
. Thank you everyone for making BYC what it is!

Chicken Girl1
Nice to see you introduce yourself, even though we run into each other quite a bit

Good luck on the contest!

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