Late Incubation Questions

Six Chickies

7 Years
Sep 23, 2012
Ontario, Canada
Hi everyone, this is my first time ever incubating anything, and the people on this site have helped me and given me advice through all of it. Now I need some more of your amazing advice.
Today is day 19 of incubation. I started with 19 possible ameraucana cross eggs. 5 were not developing by day 14, so I threw those out. So I have fourteen left. Late on Day 17, when my mom and I were getting the incubator ready for lockdown - taking the eggs off the rack and putting them in a padded cardboard box, increasing the size of the water supply, candling them a final time, and in soft graphite pencil putting the number on the back of the egg, and drawing in the outline of the air sack to minimize drowning. When we were putting the loaded box of eggs into the incubator, my mom's hand slipped on the cardboard, and the eggs started to roll. Luckily she has pretty good reflexes, and caught the box before it made impact. One large egg fell out and cracked pretty bad, but there was no leakage, so we propped it up so that the air sac would stay at the top. The other eggs were rocked around pretty good, but didn't have any visible damage, so we arranged them again so that the air sack was at the top. Since then, no has really wobbled, whereas before the rollercoaster ride, they would roll on a regular basis, even more so if I played my music box. I have seen 71 move, (cracked one) but that was on day 18 and I haven't seen anything since. Did the fall kill them, like from shock or a sudden jerk when mom grabbed the box after it slipped? Or is it that they're already positioned for hatching so there is no need for rocking and rolling? Does anyone think 71 will make it? We have the hole faced downward, and there are only a couple days left, so here's to hoping. I think you might also need to know that the guy we bought the eggs from said that when he hatches the eggs, they sometimes take up to 25 days to hatch, which makes me even more worried! If there is anyone out there who can calm my frying nerves, please don't hesitate to do so!!
I would say they should be ok - the eggs are pretty full at the point you almost dropped them so shouldn't jar too badly - its not like doing it in the first week when the blood vessels are really fragile. The cracked one, well, will just have to wait - its an arms race between how quickly the chick hatches and how long for the bacteria to spread inside and get to adverse levels - could go either way, but I would say its got a good chance as long as it wasn't actually leaking, as the internal membrane would still be intact, and as long as it doesn't dilly dally in its hatching!
Fingers crossed for you...
Keep us updated!
I would say they should be ok - the eggs are pretty full at the point you almost dropped them so shouldn't jar too badly - its not like doing it in the first week when the blood vessels are really fragile.  The cracked one, well, will just have to wait - its an arms race between how quickly the chick hatches and how long for the bacteria to spread inside and get to adverse levels - could go either way, but I would say its got a good chance as long as it wasn't actually leaking, as the internal membrane would still be intact, and as long as it doesn't dilly dally in its hatching!
Fingers crossed for you...
Keep us updated!

I will! Still no movement, and since 71 is on paper towel that we covered with shelf liner so that they don't stick to the paper towel, I'm fairly sure I would see the leakage and it would start to smell in there, right? Fingers still crossed that one pips in the next 36 hours, because if not, I'll jut be too anxious and I might candle one. (Bad six Chickies) I really hope they are healthy when and if they hatch. Thank you for the reassurance loopy12, I really appreciate it.
It's official!!! We have at least one hatching chick! I read somewhere that when baby chicks pierce the air sack, they prep to their mother, and that the mother clucks to encourage them. Last night we heard some tiny chirps, but my pet rats have been chirping recently so we weren't sure, but I tried my hand at clucking and chicken noises, and I got a flurry of very LOUD chirps from inside the incubator!!!!! That means at least someone is breathing! So excited I don't think anyone will be seeing me at school tomorrow!! :D
I put 20 eggs on lock-down about two hours ago. And I heard peeping too. If I had to guess, from three or four eggs. They are a dry hatch that some of those eggs were almost three weeks old when I started incubating them, and I virtually ignored the incubator. I have an automatic turner in both incubators, but I use one for turning and incubating, and one for hatching without the turner in it.

To store eggs by putting them in a turner without heat is an excellent idea, thank you. I have what is essentially an extra turner.

So I move eggs that are going into the hatching incubator, and I spritz them with water first. I've had good luck with them not getting shrink wrapped, and I've had pretty good luck 'helping' them.

I also set twenty new eggs...they are about a week old. They went into the hatching incubator along with about twenty eggs that have mixed dates for hatching...some go on lock-down in three days, and some in five more days. There are about 20 of them as well. They were all less then a week old when they went in the incubator.

I'm hatching about 60 eggs, and only want maybe another six to eight chickens so a low hatch rate would be fine with me. I have no hints except for the peeping...I did not candle them, or throw any away. I was interested in the hatch, but when I heard the peeping I instantly got very excited.

Terry...who has moved from TN to NC
Ten chicks total! That I think, is a really good hatch rate!!! :D it's more than 50% of all eggs put in, and 10/16 for all fertile eggs! :D I took them into my science class today, and now they all have names! Soooo addicted to hatching...
All's well that ends well :)
Congratulations...and yes...its totally going back now ;)

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