Lavender Araucana And Indian Game sexing this a female? Now 10 weeks old


10 Years
May 31, 2013
Still umming and aaaaing over what sex my chickens are...Note to self, don’t hatch pea comb chicks again!! My Welsummer was sorted in 3 weeks and I’m still here feeding 4 other chicks 7 weeks later🙈2 Indian Game and 2 Lavender Araucanas (British standard not USA)
Here are latest pics of one of the Lavenders and the two Indian Game, any help gratefully appreciated ... The two lavender pictures are of the same bird, I couldn’t get a decent on of the other. The two Indian Game chicks are also 10weeks old
They all look like girls.
That’s what I am hoping but sometimes their behaviour makes me unsure. When they get out in the big pen they get excited running around for a bit and run at each other (no feet up) do young pullets do that too? I’ve seen it when introducing new POL hens but I’ve never hatched my own before
All my girls do that, they are trying to establish their pecking order.
I had two definite boys earlier on who were heads down wings out and feet at each other so yeah this is more like what I have seen in my older birds when introducing new ones, didn’t realise it started quite so young lol!

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