Lavender Orpingtons



Thanks Meara and by the way I love Rootbeer and he loves creamsoda:love. Pottymouth it sound like you need to take a road trip:thumbsup

I'm not adverse to a road trip. If you offer LO's in the spring, I just might jump in the vehicle and head westward to IL!!!! I have Buff Orps and love them... they're very sweet, friendly, great around small children, easy keepers, and good egg layers. My BO's are over 3yrs old now and slowing down in egg production. They'll have a permanent home at our house as they're more like pets and not food.... they'll definitely die of old age and not from butchering. Do you ever offer fertilized hatching eggs for sale?
Pottymouth, I am selling out all of my Lavs. My son is going to start showing and he wants to show a different breed than what I have so I have to make room. Sorry but I know where you can get some hatching eggs. Just let me know
If you weren't so far away, I'd be there in a heartbeat to buy your Lav. Orps! And, if you do know someone who sells hatching eggs, I'd be interested. I'll probably wait until spring to start eggs as we've already has snow here in the Adirondack Mountains and I wouldn't want to start chicks with winter just around the corner! Many Thanks, Lydia (aka pottymouthspoultry)!

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