Layena, To use or not to use?

The only problem with Purina I have found is the 16% protein (just like most around here), the lack of animal protein and the price. I have had nothing but problems with feather picking for 5 years since using Purina. Nothing else has really changed. I am really tired of trying to up the protein and get animal protein, so I'm either going back to the mill I used for 11 years prior (animal protein) or to the local farmer who grinds mash according to the lionsgrip website recipes using Fertrell balancers. If I go back to him it is mash, but I didn't have a problem with it & I will use 19% broiler grower with fish meal in it. I can get Agway 21% pellets if I drive 15 miles, but I don't think that has animal protein either. I really must decide!
I've used lots of different brands...Purina Layena, Purina Flockraiser, Nutrena Grower, Farmers Best Layer...and my birds will eat any of it. Since I have young girls in the flock now I am currently feeding Flockraiser crumble. But since I feel I have less waste with pellets the feed store is trying to get Flockraiser in pellets for me.

I would guess that Purina has a few feed mills around the US that manufacture pultry feed. I think they have a plant in TX and they have one for the Country Acres brand in MO. I'm sure there's more. And then the product goes out to distributors who are responsible for a few states each. From the distributor it goes out to feed stores.

Personally, I have no problem with Purina. The ingredients are ok. But if I want to up the protein then I like the Nutrena better. Nutrena uses wheat middlings to increase the protein whereas Purina uses soymeal. Farmers Best, a local brand from central CA also tends to use soymeal for higher protein feeds. When fed side by side, my chickens seem to prefer the wheat vs. the soy. Maybe it's something else in the feed, but they seem to really go for the Nutrena. The two top ingredients in Flockraiser are corn and soy. I'm also not sold on the Purina philosophy of vegetarian food for chickens. My chickens seem to like bugs and any meat scraps that I give them. So why the big play on "vegetarian feed?"
I have used it, but I prefer a feed that still contains the animal protein they need over vegetarian. And the one I buy at the co-op is about $4/bag cheaper, too. I don't use Nutrena because I have a problem with Cargill who owns it, so can't comment on that one. The feeds I use are ADM Alliance Pen Pals and Faithway Feeds as well as Tucker Milling.

BTW, 50# of Layer pellets (16%) is about $9.75. They also have a 22% protein layer pellet that is about $11.50 for 50#. Layena is about $15 or so.
I wish we had more of a selection where I live. We have no feed mills left in the state. And CA is too far for a monthly trip just for feed. The feed we do have is at the very least $15 for 50 pounds, Layena if I call around. There are organic choices but it is clost to double the price of Layena. Even Nutrena is hard to find in poultry feed.

The clientele around here is mostly horses so that is what the feed stores cater to. I can find all the Nutrena horse products I want. But And anything resembling local products is not really a quality choice.
Well, I agree with the comment about "chickens aren't vegetarian" but cringe at the thought of animal protein. Broiler feed is about the only animal protein (I think, don't quote) that you can get locally.
I choose to use soy feed because of the after effects of what the bird eats. Wheat can cause me problems, and celieac (sp) disease folks should not comsume Perdue chicken. It will irratate the effects.
(that not being the topic)
We do supplement our girls with meat scraps, bugs, worms and green grass in the summer. Winter or feather prep I'll use "fat and finish", higher in fat and protein. Also I use it for the last 2 weeks of meat birds lives.

Its interesting all the same, how we all view and choose feeds. Now, really foolish question, I notice the egg taste difference during seasons and foods. Do animal proteins like fish cause a flavor? (I know, stupid question! lol)
Not a stupid question.. Yes different food will change the taste. Kinda like the saying, You are what you eat. If you don't believe it just feed straight bagged feed for a while. Your eggs will be like the ones you get in the store. Kinda defeats the purpose of growing your own eggs. Hope this helps.
hey guys
I feed my chickens purina crumble.. even my Cornishx... should I change to flockraiser? is there a co op in Colorado.. westernslope area where I can get the prices for flockraiser under 12.00?
Catfood...if you want to feed chickens a meat based kibble... catfood... chickens love catfood.

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