Layer Feed Reviews


6 Years
Mar 30, 2013
Cleveland, GA
I am interested in the brands of layer feed (pellets?) generally considered the best quality. We previously had a flock consisting of 8 hens for nearly 2 years before moving and leaving with the buyers of our house as they requested. We now have 14 hens and one roo and more than half are fully mature with the other 6 close behind.

As we have moved to a different county than we were previously in, I have begun purchasing layer pellets from a local farm and garden store that also produces their own feed for various farm animals. I was particularly interested in their Non-GMO layer pellets for obvious reasons, but since putting this flock on it I have noticed what (seems to me) to be not only an unusually large quantity of poo droppings, but they are enormous! (Sorry). I never remember seeing this in our previous flock AT ALL. Of our 15 birds, there are 3 of one breed and 4 of another and all the rest are various breeds, so I know it isn't that.

I know with dogs at least, the less nutritional value in their food, the more they eat and the more they poo, so I'm left to wonder if this feed is not the quality I want them to have. Oh, they are eating an awful lot, too, in my opinion.

So, could people please weigh in on their findings regarding quality layer feed and what you are finding regarding their intake and output?
Have you asked for a nutritional breakdown or at minimum a list of what is in the local mix and at what percent?

Anyone can mix a feed and sell it, that doesn't mean it's nutritionally complete or a good feed mix...

I'm not saying their food is bad, but without some quantitative data as to what it's made from it's all guess work...

This is the one advantage to big commercial feeds, they have nutritional breakdowns on the bag and this allows you to get a baseline of what you are feeding...

As you said though, generally excess excretion volume, is a sign of low nutritional value in the feed they are eating...
See, I agree. Oh there is one thing I failed to mention. This flock is outside free ranging from 10am to dusk when they go in to roost. My other flock was only outside if we were home so they were confined much more than this so in that regard there really should be less poo inside. I do believe I need to do more research on what I'm buying, but am still interested in what others find to be good.

I've had very good results with both Nutrena & Purina pellets. I also keep a pan of crushed oyster shells attached to side of pen. I throw out a little bird seed mix as my scratch most days.
X2 on MeepBeep. I would compare the tags for actual ingredients, and guaranteed analysis. When I went to RVT school, I took a class on animal nutrition. Oh my gosh! The things they can put in the food! Leather boots and chicken beaks, feathers and feet count as animal protein. Tons of empty cereal fillers to make a cheap bag bigger. My feed store also carries it's own brand but a friend owns Brookhurst Mills so I buy their feed. Better quality than the store brand. I'm quite happy.

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