layer feed


In the Brooder
6 Years
Sep 7, 2013
when should chicks start eating layer pellets. Please could you tell me the exact number of weeks? i've heard 12
Mine that are in the breeder coop right now are at least 6 months old and get 50/50 layer starter feed. I like to wait until about 6 months or when the first egg gets laid to completely switch them over. Sometimes I go sooner than this on the birds that were hatched late in the season just so I can move the few stragglers into the main areas and get hatching again LOL.
Beacuse I have a mixed age flock, the pullets go into the main coop and run when they are the same size as the hens that I currently have. When they go to the main run, their food is changed. I'll mix 50/50 for a week or two proior to introducing them. No issues yet.
Most people wait until the first eggs start coming
This is what I do and it has worked out fine so far. If your in a pinch you could mix some layer pellets with the grower just before they are ready to lay, but I wouldn't advise that. It might cause problems if you give them to much?? Not sure on that one.

Good luck!

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