Layer Feed??


7 Years
Mar 8, 2014
Western PA
At what age should I switch my girls onto layer feed? I have 11 RSLs that are 13 weeks old now. The back of the bag recommends 18 weeks. I swear someone told me (not sure if this is correct or not though) that RSLs can lay as early as 16 weeks- is this right? And if so should I be switching their feed out earlier than 18 weeks?

Advice/suggestions welcomed!
You can switch them to layer pellets after they start laying. It's ok for them to eat chick feed right up until laying.
I'll see if I can help out or I'll confuse you even more

Below is a list of types of poultry feeds and a little information about them.
You may or may not have some of these feeds available to you in your area thats ok this list is only meant as a rough guide. In fact you could skip the whole switching feed and feed a good non-medicated starter or non-medicated starter/grower the birds whole life and provide oyster shells when the birds start to lay if you wanted to...

Starter --
A balanced feed meant as the sole ration for chicks from hatching to 12 weeks of age.
At 12 weeks of age the birds can be changed to Grower type feed. Starter can be Medicated or Non-Medicated when Medicated it is with either *Amprolium or Lasalocid.
Starter feeds are available in Mash, Crumble, Pellet or a Extruded form and can have a protein range from 18 to 30 percent protein.

Stater/ Grower --
A balanced feed meant as the sole ration for chicks from hatching to chickens begin to lay, this feed can be Medicated or Non-Medicated. If medicated it will be with either Amprolium or Lasalocid. Starter/ Grower feeds are available in Mash, Crumble, Pellet or a Extruded form and can have a protein range from 18 to 20 percent protein.

Grower --
Feed as the sole ration to chicks 12 weeks of age as a finisher. Grower feed is meant to fed until the chickens begin to lay, then bird can be switched to a complete Laying. Most Grower feed is Non-Medicated but some are Medicated with Bacitracin. Grower feeds are available in Mash, Crumble, Pellet or a Extruded form and can have a protein range from 14 to 18 percent protein.

Pre-Layer --
Feed as the sole ration to pullets 15 weeks of age to the point of laying. Pre-Layer feeds are available in mostly Mash and Crumble form and a protein range from 16 to 18 percent protein.

Layer --
Feed as the sole diet to laying hens maximum production of eggs. Do not feed Layer feed to poultry, which are not in production because of the high calcium levels in the diet. This is particularly true of young growing birds. Layer feeds are available in Mash, Crumble, Pellet or a Extruded form and can have a protein range from 16 to 22% protein.

Layer/ Breeder --
Feed as the sole diet to laying hens and breeders for maximum production and for improved hatchability. Do not feed Layer feed to poultry, which are not in production because of the high calcium levels in the diet. This is particularly true of young growing birds. Layer/ Breeder feeds are available in Mash, Crumble, Pellet or a Extruded form and can have a protein range from 18 to 20 percent protein.

Scratch Grain/ Corn (Maze) --
Is mostly used as a treat and should for the most part be feed separate from there sole feed (example - there Layer feed). Scratch should not exceed 40% of there diet when feeding a high protein feed. (Sole feed 20% protein or better) You may start feeding Scratch Grain at around 12 weeks of age.

Grit --
Grit is small pieces of rock that a chicken eats to help it grind up food. Grit can be purchased at most farm supply stores as crushed granite, but if your birds have access to the ground, they will find their own grit.

Oyster Shells --
A Calcium supplement used to increase intake of laying fowl. Oyster Shells should not be offered to Non-Laying Fowl (Chicks, Growers, Non-Laying Hens and Roosters).

Sprouts --
Sprouts may be fed as a treat. There are many "Recipes" for Sprouting Grains some better than others but most work in the same way, to improve forage.

* Note* --

Amprolium - which goes by the trade names Corid and Amprovine, Amprolium, Amprol, Anticoccid and is a thiamine analog, competitively inhibits the active transport of thiamine (B1).
The second type of medication used is,
Lasalocid - goes by the trade name Bovatec. Bovatec (lasalocid) is a coccidiocide that kills coccidia. It is an ionophore that moves potassium, sodium, calcium and magnesium into the cell causing the cell to burst. Bovatec works primarily on a single developmental stage of coccidia, providing a more narrow range of action than Deccox.
Bacitracin - Bacitracin can also go by the names Bacitracin Methylene Disalicylate and BMD. Bacitracin in Broiler And Replacement Chickens is an aid in prevention and control of necrotic enteritis caused by Clostridium perfringens susceptible to bacitracin methylene disalicylate.

Pictures below are not mine and found on the net..





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