Laying Boxes - Correct Length ? Silkies


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 11, 2013

I finally found somewhere in Canada to get some silkies and I will be picking them up soon.

I made my chicken coop without knowing how large the nest box should be. I know the length parallel to the walls are fine ( approx 3' 9") but I am not sure of the depth. I designed them to protrude from the wall about 16"

any comments would be helpful (too long to short?)

Also, we get terribly cold winters here so I insulated the coop and I plan on running a heat lamp during the night. Do I need to insulate the nests as well as they are just thin OSB board. I have plenty of wood shavings in there for deep nesting.

I have read that silkies can not get wet and cold at the same time (makes sense) so I would like to mention that I do have a painted OSB roof With Steel roofing over it so there will be no chance of them getting wet. The coop is also vented at the top to allow air flow.

My Chicken coop is essentially Trictle's design ( except I have 3 protrustions on the walls for nest boxes, and I used a steel roof instead of shingles.

Other than that everything is identical.

I have also read that coops which sit of the ground as mine does will get cold and up drafts in the this cured with placing Hay and wood shavings along the floor so that the cold wood is not in direct contact with their feet ?

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That length should be fine they aren't picky :) I am in southern Ontario I do not heat my coop. It is a fire hazard and your chickens are made to withstand cold. They will snuggle. :) As long as you have proper ventilation your hens will be fine. Also sometimes your birds will get a little wet. Mine go out in the snow/ rain I haven't had a problem. Enjoy your birds :)
I did wonder about the heat lamp. I currently have failed chicken coop that I made way to large and heavy ( 8x8x12 and around 400 lbs) and I have been using it as the dog house for my Corgis. As they are little guys I tossed a heat lamp in there for them to keep warm. I am in Southern Ontario as well and I find anything below -11 is really cold for the dogs to be outside all day (especially with wind chill as I am up on the Oak Ridges Moraine) so I added a heat lamp. So far so good they have not burned the place down ( I have a huge 20x8x6 dog run for them attached in case of fire)

Basically I am wondering what the chickens do to the lights to make it a fire hazard. Do they peck at the wiring or is this more of a case they might fly into the light and break it ? would a little ceramic heater be a better idea with the cord enclosed in polyvinylchloride ?

I know the chickens are smaller than my dogs and I just would feel terrible if they froze to death.
Basically I am wondering what the chickens do to the lights to make it a fire hazard. Do they peck at the wiring or is this more of a case they might fly into the light and break it ? would a little ceramic heater be a better idea with the cord enclosed in polyvinylchloride

Issue with lights is when they come in contact with flammable materials. Either they are clamped on items, and the clamps fail or the birds knock into the lights knocking the clamps off the surface they are attached to and down on the ground were they can ignite bedding.
-People hang them from various items and dont pay attention to how they have them mounted, plastic zip ties are commonly used which melt and fail
-people will run them off extension cords and the cords lay on the ground and get covered by bedding etc and heat up and catch fire.

basicly if you use permantly mounted cermic base light sockets with heat lamps on permantly wired setup, you can essentially eliminate your fire risks.

Other heater types can work also but again, you have to be carefull with the use of extension cords and the like.

keep basic saftey concerns in mind

can the heater be knocked down/over/off of were its sitting?
if the above happens, what will happen, will it turn itself off (some have anti-tip swtichs that turn them off if the get knocked over)
can i put the heater in an area that will heat the space but yet the birds cant get to?

as to nest box .... i build mine 12" square ish for the large breeds i have.
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