Laying feed Question


Apr 28, 2017
A couple of my chickens have started to lay. I have 15 hens and 1 Rooster in this flock, but 6 of the hens are about 4/5 weeks younger than the other girls...How, and when should i start giving them Layer feed? It would be hard to feed separately, but didnt want to hurt the younger hens by giving them Layer to soon..Any ideas tips appreciated.
Keep them all on the grower and add a dish of oyster shell (calcium) on the side, free choice.
I let my pullets have layer any time after they've lost their peep and got their cluck. However, it won't hurt to keep them on the unmedicated starter or multiflock, and offer oyster shell on the side.
Thanks. Ok, heres another question(s). Do you keep feeding your layer feed through the winter, all year round or should i switch to another feed, and if so, when would you recommend the switch..Im not going to do the supplement lighting, just let meh hens do as they like.
You will still get some eggs, even without supplementing their light, especially, if they are young and if you are further south than I am. So, your choice. Do a bit of homework, and make the decision that makes the most sense to you. Some folks use a multiflock or starter and offer OS on the side, or you could continue with layer. I tend to give more protein during the winter b/c I am keeping a light going, and the temp often goes to below 0*F for days and nights at a time. They need the extra protein and fat. So, based on what feed I'm buying, they will get layer with some extra meat protein, or they will get multi flock.
E-gawd! thats in SC. so we dont many temps that low. I was just worried about giving them all the extra Calcium, when its really not needed for egg production.Again, it does make sense to set out shells for "as wanted" calcium. and prolly give them flock manager, or multi-flock... Thanks, as always you guys/girls give good answers..

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