laying half soft shelled eggs?? UPDATE, not good.

Well, that still sounds better than the earlier eggs! Maybe she's working through whatever it was?
Both of my BBW turkeys were doing the same until I started them on oral calcium. Now they each get 2000mg whenever they look like they might be struggling to lay.
Since shes always had problems, should I just give her a calcium pill twice a week or so? That way she doesn't have anymore soft eggs that may break inside of her.
Not sure I'd do it on a regular basis... Too much calcium and/or an improper calcium to phosphorus ratio can cause gout in poultry. Just keep lots of fresh lay pellets/crumble and oyster shell out for her and give her calcium every few days until her shells return to normal. That's what I would do.

You might also want to look into feeding greens that are high in calcium.
I have a hen who is laying soft shells, but I am new at this. She has is still young , about 5 months and has laid 6 soft shelled eggs so far in the last two weeks. Usually 2 each time she lays. I am not even sure who is laying the softies! So I have a few questions:

1. How do I figure out who is laying these? (I have 6 girls and they NEVER lay in front of anyone - they are shy!
2. Should I separate her from the flock?
3. I gave Oyster Shells - should I also do the calcium?

(I am feeding grower crumble because I have babies too and the oyster shells freely.)

Thank you for your help!
Well I have another update, a much better one! I'm still only getting an egg from her about twice a week but the eggs she lays have a hard shell now. Not as hard as the other hen's but its good enough. She doesn't seem to have any trouble laying an egg either. I guess I'll just have to watch her closely and if her eggs start to get thin I'll pop her a calcium pill. Thank ya'll for helping me out and answering my questions!
ugh...She's layed 2 soft shelled eggs since the last post and one egg with no shell this morning. I gave her another calcium pill 2 days ago and I've been giving her some of my greek yogurt every morning. I think it may be time to cull her, something is definitely up with her system.
I would definitely think about culling her. I have about 33 laying hens (not including 20+ young pullets) and I have one hen that I cannot identify that lays a very soft shelled egg about 3 times a week. They never make it out of the nest box before being broken (and eaten by somebody). It's just a big, nasty mess to clean up. They all get adequate amounts of protein and calcium, are free ranged half the day and get scraps from us. I don't think it's nutritional. I suspect something's not right internally and it will end up being an internal laying scenario.

Any ideas how I can identify the culprit?

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