Laying hens with "water belly" or "ascites"?

She should feel like a water balloon. You find the last rib, and then you go like three inches below and backwards from that. a couple of inches forward and to the right of the vent. When we did Bitsy, we kept running into air pockets, and I was told it was because we were in the wrong spot. There's lots of into about it on line, as well as here. Are you using an 18 gauge needle and a big syringe?
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She should feel like a water balloon.  You find the last rib, and then you go like three inches below and backwards from that.  a couple of inches forward and to the right of the vent. When we did Bitsy, we kept running into air pockets, and I was told it was because we were in the wrong spot.  There's lots of into about it on line, as well as here. Are you using an 18 gauge needle and a big syringe?

Not a big surenge but an 18 gauge needle. N ok thank u I'll try that
This hen was cleaned with Chlorhexidine, had 1" 18 gauge needle inserted and I syringed out about 500 ml of fluid.

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What is BYC???? Is it Draining her belly?? And did you drain her and did her belly refill up??? Its been a couple months and I am just leaving my girl alone as I hate seeing her with a swollen belly but don't want to hurt her more...i give her small bit of organic garlic,organic oregano leaf, and milk thistle daily on a bite of oats....grit and calcium always is out for her and i add 1-2 tlbsp apple organic cider vinegar in a gallon of water for her and for the whole flock for probotic which i hope may help as i read it does....

Any help let me know please....i was told draining her belly could kill her too it will refill and possible get a effection....
Love my girls!!!!

God bless

Hey after about 8 months my girl is well with rest, herbs and prayers....did not drain her but treated her with herbs above (hand fed) I wrote daily with lots of fresh water daily gave her with spray of collodial silver (a natural antibotic) in it-hand fed! Often/daily or every two three days if moving around I spray collodial silver on her swollen area to fight infection where puss was ...first few months. I also addedd turmeric very little to her dry oats about three times a week and the milk thistle natures way brand pill desolved in water 5ml then add a few drops 3 to 4 to a pinch of dry oats daily with organic oregano bits broke in oats with carrot a couple shreds and a couple oyster shells for calcium and grit and little piece organic garlic atleast 4/ times weekly every other day on garlic say...she set in her nest box in the winter months rested a lot! Did not perch was to sick....SHE IS WELL AND LOOKS BETTER THEN MY OTHER GIRLS!! They are caged in with a 10 x 8 barn for shelter....lots of prayer too as prayers do help!!!! God Bless
Pluck her feathers, post a picture and I'll show you where to stick the needle.



When i drained Boots i made three punctures about one inch down from her vent at the right and left so that when she was stood gravity would help her drain. She is very small even for a sablepoot but hopefully youll get the jist. I too used an 18 gauge but i didnt have a syringe so she drained naturally. She lost over 200ml and slept and was very very quiet afterwards which was a big worry. I kept her warm and quiet and the next day she was much brighter. By no means 100% but more inquisitive and reactive.
She was so bloated that she stood like a cowboy with her legs apart. It was do or die. Without kathy's expertise she wouldnt be here (THANK YOU)

I wish you both well. At the end of the day you love her and you're trying to help and you have all of us supporting you so dont be afraid.

Lots of love

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