Laying in the barn?

Hen lice breakout this winter - no barn involved. They were in well ventilated hen house, same as years before. I tend to think it was the weird winter with colder days giving way to thaws over and over instead of the usual steady freeze up with a brief thaw or two in Vermont. Have tried some of the newer green cleaners and sprays but nothing works very well except Orange Guard. Best at getting rid of lice though is Deep woods Off which is a chemical and decidedly not green.

As others have noted, egg production has dropped off this winter.

Is the Deep Woods Off ok for the egglayers-meaning is there a withdrawal.I wouldn't think so seeing as how we humans can coat ourselves in it but just thought I'd ask.I'm using DE right now and as my mother would say "It's like a fart in a whirlwind"
oh sorry maybe i wasn't clear
if you put chickens in a barn the barn "may" end up with hen lice
then years later if you put any other kind of livestock in that barn you can have a hen lice problem
that is why the old timers always had a chicken coop & a barn


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