Laying questions

Stephen 253

In the Brooder
Feb 26, 2015
currently have 13 hens and was getting about 10-12 eggs a day. Now getting about 2-3. 4 of the chickens I don’t know the age but the other 9 are roughly 29 weeks old. The 9 shouldn’t molt as this age right. Nothing has changed so y would they almost stop laying.
Where are you located? Production will often become sporadic this time of year. Some stop laying completely through the winter, others start and stop. I don't have many that will lay straight through fall and winter. Your best production is seen in early spring under increasing light.
I’d check to see if any have mites, that will cause laying to slow or stop completely.

Look at the vent area in a bright light you’ll see the little buggers run by....

I hope you don’t see any :)
Where are you located? Production will often become sporadic this time of year. Some stop laying completely through the winter, others start and stop. I don't have many that will lay straight through fall and winter. Your best production is seen in early spring under increasing light.
Things that can cause a halt in laying are running out of feed or water. Not consuming as much feed or water, or various stressors. Things like predators sniffing around, loud disturbances, New birds, and birds being remove can cause hens to stop laying.

You may still see a reduced amount of eggs even from production breeds as we go into the winter. I don't keep any so I can't say what patterns I noticed with them.

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