Lazulia Kingdom!~Medieval Fantasy RP~ Please Join!~


8 Years
Hello! Welcome to my final role play. What i mean by that is that this is the last thread i will ever make. That said i would like for this one to go on and become popular. Thank you for reading this and please join!


No cursing!
One blow per post!

Be nice to everyone!

No outside fights on my thread. Take it to PMs people!

No god powers

Dragons are a species you can play. However. PM me if you want to play a dragon there are limited spots open for them i if i say no i mean no

I am always accepting

If i am away and cannot accept forms but you play a un-accepted form i will not accept that character

Follow all BYC rules

You can have multiple characters but you must keep track of them.

Have fun!



In the army barracks 1:35 PM

The army general looked at the map. "Where are they now?" He demanded slamming his hands down onto the table. He looked up at all the solider's infront of him. "WHERE ARE THEY NOW?!" He repeated. "Sir! The Vandosh and the Targan have seemingly vanished off of our radar! We cannot locate them sir!" One solider said. The general glared at him. "I didnt ask about your failure in keeping track of them! I asked where are they!" All the solider's looked scared and another spoke up. "Sir! Last my legion heard was that they were approaching the out skirts of the Connigus forest! And looting all the towns!" a white pigeon came flying in through the open window and landed in front of the general. He took the note off of the birds leg and read it. "Oh no..." He muttered then turned to a solider. "Get me the queen now!" He shouted. "But sir!" The solider began. "No Buts! GET ME THE QUEEN NOW!!" The general repeated louder. The solider ran off the door slamming behind him. "What wrong sir?" Another solider asked. "They are over taking Rumoria." The general said. "They are very close to connigus." Then he started barking orders.


Rumoria 1:45 PM

A shrill scream cut through the air of the town but was cut short with the swipe of a blade. More screams erupted around the small town as Vandosh and Targan solider's came through killing all the people they saw. In a small alley by a river stood a woman and in her arms a small bread basket with a child in it. "Shh shh you cant cry now. I will see you again child.." She said to the baby boy in the basket. "I wont look the same.. But you will see me again. And i will always be with you. Right here." She gently poked the babies chest making him giggle a little. The woman smiled sadly. "Do not laugh at a time like this. This is a time of sadness. But do not worry. You will learn soon." She bent down and put the basket on the river. "Goodbye now my child. I will see you in another lifetime..." she released the basket and watched as it floated off. A lone solider who had heard the woman came down the alley wielding sword. With one quick swing he ended the womans life. She seemed to stand for a second longer watching as her child floated down river but then collapsed dead.

That happend 15 years ago. Now Targan and Vandosh are on the rise again. Will lazulia win? Or will it fall?



Lazulia is a large kingdom rich in farming. Its borders are Goldia desert Connigus forest and Riveria. Its capital city is Lapiza. Humans and Hybrid humans live here


Riveria is a very nice kingdom filled with mulitple rivers. It has very few towns due to the rivers and the fact that the flood during rainy season. Its capital city is Caxon. Humans, Naiads, And hybrid humans live here.

Goldia is a desert kingdom that doesnt have much to offer. But its people are friendly and will always help you out. Its capital is Goldia city. Many things live here. Humans, Hybrid humans, and Sand worms,


Vandosh is a large but blood thirsty kingdom that has many farming villages. Its capital city is un-named and is run but people who arent to friendly. Visitors are hardly ever welcome. Humans, and hybrid humans live here.


Targan is much like vandosh but they welcome visitors. If your willing to pay a hefty price that is! Humans and Hybrid humans live here.


Lunaria is a large desert that doesnt have anything special. It has a large mountain range that it shares with its enemy
It is a very dangerous place thus why there arent any villages. Humans, Hybrid Humans, Sand worms, and dragons up in the mountain range. Naiads in the river aswell. Lunaria is enemies with Solaria.


Solaria is also a large desert. With nothing special they dont get many visitors and are always welcoming new people. Its capital city is un-named. Humans, Hybrid Humans, and Sandworms live here. Dragons up in the mountain range and naiads in the lake.

Connigus Forest:

Connigus is a large dangerous forest that none go to. No one knows whats inside the forest though there are rumors that theres a old abandoned castle with a magic sword inside. Elves, Fea, Unicorns, and Naiads live here.

Birdmaster's Island:

Birdmaster's island is where the bird master (The one who keep messenger pigeons, hunting falcons and stuff) Lives.


Here are the many things you can play:

Elve: The elven race lives in the Connigus forest and and passive agressive against humans. They do not like people in their forest and will attack if attacked.

Fea: Fairies as most call them. The are very beautiful and very in size from very small to normal human size. They are hard to befriend and easily offended. They live in the Connigus forest with the elves

Dragons: Dragon are old and wise. They tend to stay away from humans and live in the mountain range by Lunaria and Solaria. Not much is known about them. I WILL NOT ACCEPT DRAGONS IF YOU DO NOT ASK IF YOU CAN PLAY ONE

Hybrid Humans: These humans are rather hard to find but once you see one you see all of them. They are called 'Hybrids' because the all have something different. Some have wings and light bones like birds. Some have ears and tails like dogs other have horns. All live amongest humans and have no difficulty blending in. Hybrids are not respected for unknown reasons and most are treated as Maids/servants.

Humans: (They dont need an explanation!)

Naiad: A Naiad is a beautiful woman who dwells in water and lures men. (And some women) to her. By the time they realize whats happening she drowns them.


King: (7 1 taken)
Queen: (7 1 taken)
Princesse(s): Two for each kingdom (Two for lazulia taken)
Prince: (Two for each kingdom all open)
Governess (Teacher for the royal children)(7 all open)
Guards/soliders: (Unlimited)
Mayor (Of a minor town)(18(All open)
General: (One for each castle)(All open)
Citizen (Unlimited)
Bird master: (Taken)


Pic(Not required):


Name: Morgana
Age: 45
Gender: F
Rank: Queen
Kingdom: Lazulia
Species: Human
Appearence: Long brown hair and brown eyes
History: She was raised as a princess and taught to be very proper.
Other: N/A
Username: ChickenRadio
Pic(not required): N/A

Name: Cadmus
Age: 47
Gender: M
Rank: King
Kingdom: Lazulia
Species: human
Appearence: Short blond hair. Blue eyes
History: When he was young he always hid away from his governess but soon began to go to her lessons and learned many things
Other: N/A
Username: ChickenRadio
Pic(not required): N/A

Name: Gwenavere
Age: 10
Gender: F
Rank: Princess
Kingdom: Lazulia
Species: Human
Appearence: Long light brown hair and brown eyes.
History: She is very pampered and has been since birth. She is a very good student
Other: N/A
Username: ChickenRadio
Pic(not required): N/A

Name: Gwendolyn
Age: 5
Gender: F
Rank: Princess
Kingdom: Lazulia
Species: Human
Appearence: long blond hair. Blue eyes
History: She is considered the baby of the family and is doted on
Other: N/A
Username ChickenRadio
Pic(not required): N/A

Name: Luke castellen
Age: 15
Gender: M
Rank: Citizen
Kingdom: Lazulia
Species: Human
Appearence: (see pic)
History: He and his sister are very different yet very much the same. They been raised differently and were hardly ever together but soon they left their parents and came to a village in Lazulia
Other: N/A
Username: ChickenRadio
Pic(not required):

Name: Luka castellen
Age: 15
Gender: F
Rank: Citizen
Kingdom: Lazulia
Species: Hybrid human
Appearence: Long blond hair blue eyes. She has cat ears and a cats abilities (Agility see in the dark etc)
History: She and her brother were raised very differently and were hardly ever together. Then they moved to lazulia
Other: No one know why shes a hybrid
Username: ChickenRadio
Pic(not required):

(Ignore that there are no cat ears)

Name: Tireague
Age: 15
Gender: M
Species: Human
Appearence: Black hair green eyes
History: He doesnt remember much. Only that when he was little his mom sent him floating on a river.
Other: (Hes the kid from the plot)
Username: ChickenRadio
Pic(not required):

Species:Elf (but thought to be human)
Appearence:White hair that reaches mid back. Emerald green eyes and pale skin.
Other:She is very brave and courageous she's ruthless in battle and has a very tactical mind when it comes to warfare. She is very kind hearted when she's not in battle but tends to be bull headed. She has a short temper and often lashes out at people often drawing sword or dagger on them but quickly corrects herself but can sometimes end up in blood shed.

Species:Human Hybrid
Appearence:Waist length silver hair pale skin violet eyes and silver wings
Other:She is very clumsy and easily frightened she hates being in front of crowds. She loves nature and flying.Shy.

Appearence:Blackish bluish looking hair dark blue eyes and pale skin.
History:Grew up in Vanish training to be a soldier
Other:He's very hash and strict he is ruthless in battle and believes in showing no mercy whatsoever.

Name: Dark Star
Age: unknown
Gender: female
Specie: dragon
Rank: ?
Kingdom: ?
Appearence: see pic
History: ?
Username: ShinShien
Pic(Not required):

Name: Noa
Age: 20
Specie: elf
Rank: citezen
Kingdom: Connigus forest
Appearence: dark hair, blue eyes, fair skin
History: lives at the edge of the forest, she is a great archer
Pic(Not required):

Name: Adaline
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Specie: Human
Rank: Citizen
Kingdom: Vandosh
Appearance: Black hair, emerald eyes, scruffy
History: Adaline grew up in a small, grungy town in Vandosh.
Username: Gertrude McFuzz
Pic(Not required):

Name: Cliantha
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Specie: Human
Rank: Princess
Kingdom: Rivera
Appearance: Petite, light brown hair that sometimes looks a little red, aquamarine eyes.
History: She lived the life of a princess. Meaning boring. And she wants OUT.
Username: Gertrude McFuzz
Pic(Not required):

Name: Rin kagamina
Age: 14
Gender: F
Specie: Human
Rank: Citizen
Kingdom: Riveria, Solenna village
Appearence: Short blond hair. Blue eyes
History: Before she came to Riveria she lived far far away with her brother Len. The two were seperated at birth and she was taken away to be trained as a 'Diva' A girl who sings to keep a dragon asleep until she dies. She nearly died but her brother len came and saved her at the last minute. It took a long time but she can finally talk again after losing her voice but she still speak very little.
Other: Has a pet dragon named Topaz (No. No one else may have a pet dragon.)
Username: ChickenRadio
Pic(Not required):

Name: Len
Age: 14
Gender: M
Specie: Human
Rank: Citizen
Kingdom: Riveria, Solenna village.
Appearence: semi long blond hair that he keeps in a neat ponytail at the back of his head. Blue eyes.
History: He and his twin sister Rin were seperated at birth and while she was raised as a 'Diva' He trained in swordsman ship and many other things so he could go save her. He got to her when she was about to die and managed to kill the dragon. Then he and his sister hid in a small village while she healed but soon moved to riveria.
Other: N/A
Username: ChickenRadio
Pic(Not required):

Name: Topaz
Age: 137
Gender: Female
Specie: Dragon
Kingdom: Connigus Forest, a little outside Solenna village, Rivera
Appearance: Green and gold in some places. Small, for a dragon. Black eyes.
History: She has lived in a cave in the forest all her life. Rin came along and Topaz took a liking to her. Rin calls her her "pet" dragon. Topaz, in turn, calls her her "pet" human. She lets Rin ride her.
Other: I asked. (Approved)
Username: Gertrude McFuzz
Pic(Not required):

Name: Storm
Age: 357
Gender: female
Specie: dragon
Rank: ?
Kingdom: Solaria
Appearence: see pic
History: born in the mountains
Username: DarthLayer
Pic(Not required):

Name: Inkara
Age: 20
Gender: female
Specie: human
Rank: citizen
Kingdom: Lazulia
Appearence: Long brown hair with green eyes
History: Has lived in Lazulia her whole life. She was taught to hunt at an early age and is a very good hunter.
Other: family is deceased
Username: DarthLayer
Pic(Not required):

Name: Candace
Age: 46
Gender: Female
Specie: Human
Rank: Queen
Kingdom: Riveria
Appearance: Long black hair going grey and large blue eyes.
History: Grew up a commoner.
Username: Gertrude McFuzz
Pic(Not required):

Name: Rexton
Age: 47
Gender: Male
Specie: Human
Rank: King
Kingdom: Riveria
Appearance: Neatly trimmed brown hair, dark eyes. Goatee.
History: Loved swordplay since he was a little boy. And Candace since he was a teenager.
Username: Gertrude McFuzz
Pic(Not required):

Name: Diana
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Specie: Hybrid
Rank: Maid
Kingdom: Riveria
Appearance: Brown hair, hazel eyes, fox ears and tail
History: Grew up in the castle. Listens in on conversations and knows everything that goes on.
Username: Gertrude McFuzz
Pic(Not required):

Name: Jade
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Specie: Elf
Rank: Citizen
Kingdom: Connigus Forest
Appearance: Brown hair, large blue eyes
History: Grew up in the forest. Excellent hunter/tracker.
Username: Gertrude McFuzz
Pic(Not required):

Name: Jiselle
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Specie: Human
Rank: Princess
Kingdom: Riveria
History: Grew up as the apple of her parents eyes. Prim, proper and a favorite of many. She and her sister can't stand each other.
Username: Gertrude McFuzz
Pic(Not required):

Name: Midnight
Age: 200
Gender: male
Specie: Dragon
Kingdom: Solaria mountains
Appearence: black dragon
History: born and lives in the mountains over Solaria
Username: Starrnico
Pic(Not required):

Name: Brook
Age: 16
Gender: F
Specie: Hybrid human
Rank: Maid
Kingdom: Targan
Appearence: Short brown hair. Green eyes. Brown wolf ears and good hearing
History: Being a Hybrid Human in targan means she was discovered and made to work in the castle as a maid.
Other: Shes very clumsy.
Username: ChickenRadio
Pic(Not required):

Name: Annalee
Age: 19
Gender: F
Specie: Hybrid human
Rank: Maid
Kingdom: Vandosh
Appearence: Long light reddish brown hair brown eyes. Light brown/cream cat ears and tail. Very slim and small fast and agile
History: Nothing intereasting
Other: N/A
Username: ChickenRadio
Pic(Not required):
Last edited:
Species:Elf (but thought to be human)
Appearence:White hair that reaches mid back. Emerald green eyes and pale skin.
Other:She is very brave and courageous she's ruthless in battle and has a very tactical mind when it comes to warfare. She is very kind hearted when she's not in battle but tends to be bull headed. She has a short temper and often lashes out at people often drawing sword or dagger on them but quickly corrects herself but can sometimes end up in blood shed.
Species:Elf (but thought to be human)
Appearence:White hair that reaches mid back. Emerald green eyes and pale skin.
Other:She is very brave and courageous she's ruthless in battle and has a very tactical mind when it comes to warfare. She is very kind hearted when she's not in battle but tends to be bull headed. She has a short temper and often lashes out at people often drawing sword or dagger on them but quickly corrects herself but can sometimes end up in blood shed.

Thankyou wintent!
Species:Human Hybrid
Appearence:Waist length silver hair pale skin violet eyes and silver wings
Other:She is very clumsy and easily frightened she hates being in front of crowds. She loves nature and flying.Shy.
Species:Human Hybrid
Appearence:Waist length silver hair pale skin violet eyes and silver wings
Other:She is very clumsy and easily frightened she hates being in front of crowds. She loves nature and flying.Shy.

(In. We need t fillall six kings and queens. And get some maids seven governess's some gaurds and a few other citizens. Then we start!
Appearence:Blackish bluish looking hair dark blue eyes and pale skin.
History:Grew up in Vanish training to be a soldier
Other:He's very hash and strict he is ruthless in battle and believes in showing no mercy whatsoever.
Name: Dark Star
Age: unknown
Gender: female
Specie: dragon
Rank: ?
Kingdom: ?
Appearence: see pic
History: ?
Username: ShinShien
Pic(Not required):

(the ? need more info)
[COLOR=333333]Name: Dark Star[/COLOR] [COLOR=333333]Age: unknown[/COLOR] [COLOR=333333]Gender: female[/COLOR] [COLOR=333333]Specie: dragon[/COLOR] [COLOR=333333]Rank: ?[/COLOR] [COLOR=333333]Kingdom: ?[/COLOR] [COLOR=333333]Appearence: see pic[/COLOR] [COLOR=333333]History: ?[/COLOR] [COLOR=333333]Other:[/COLOR] [COLOR=333333]Username: ShinShien[/COLOR] [COLOR=333333]Pic(Not required): [/COLOR] [COLOR=333333] [/COLOR] (the ? need more info)

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