Lazy & ungrateful birds

Me & My Peeps

9 Years
Apr 26, 2010
Western MA
I went outside today to replace the water in the coop and collect any eggs from the ones that choose to lay in the afternoon. Well, they knew what was coming and started squawking up a storm. Someone listening outside, would wonder if I was plucking their feather out by the handful! A little cracked corn snack and a few leaves of romaine lettuce places out in the run, starting at the coop ramp entrance.

Nothing, they wont leave the ramp!! Yes, we have snow here but they haven't left the coop in 4 days! Today I relented and SHOVELED a path from the coop to their favorite spot under a small tree that has branches low enough for them to roost. Then I made a shorter path off of that to an overhang I made for rainy days and placed some cracked corn there as an incentive.........Nothing!

So I go in the coop and herd them all outside and stay at the door so they cant come back in. They all head out screaming and squawking as if there was a hawk there trying to get one. I bend over and peek out to see them out by the small tree - 30' away. So I leave the coop and head back inside, thinking about a snack for myself. As I turn to reach for the house doorknob - I see them all making a beeline for the coop!! Single file and running! I yelled "HEY!!" The first one stopped short which made all the ones behind her pile up. Then the very last one in line - the dominant rooster- runs out from behind the pack and leads the charge for the coop again!! Within seconds they were all back inside, probably laughing and high 5'ng each other.

Lazy ungrateful birds! I take great pains to provide a healthy environment for them and they want for nothing. Apparently I have not made myself clear to them and they still do not realize they they are here for MY enjoyment- not theirs. That I expect to look out my window and see them walking around and playing their little chicken games, eating and pooping in protected bliss. What else can I do besides shoveling a path for them, to get them outside for some exercise?!! It's 35 degree's out, its not like its -10.

This is a family forum so I will refrain from using the metaphors that properly articulate my feelings..
I know how you feel!
I just, today, got my FIRST egg in over 2-3 months of them taking a little "break"...
LOL Good for you, we have discussed before how frustrating that was for you. When mine were growing up, I would tell all of them every day, "The first one to lay an egg - gets amnesty. They cannot be voted out of the coop!" Maybe it will work for you? They probably wont take you serious though......mine never did.
Me & My Peeps :

LOL Good for you, we have discussed before how frustrating that was for you. When mine were growing up, I would tell all of them every day, "The first one to lay an egg - gets amnesty. They cannot be voted out of the coop!" Maybe it will work for you? They probably wont take you serious though......mine never did.

Good plan, ..good plan...
I'll grab the hatchet and go have a little talk with them... Muhahahahha​
LOL Good for you, we have discussed before how frustrating that was for you. When mine were growing up, I would tell all of them every day, "The first one to lay an egg - gets amnesty. They cannot be voted out of the coop!" Maybe it will work for you? They probably wont take you serious though......mine never did.

Good plan, ..good plan...
I'll grab the hatchet and go have a little talk with them... Muhahahahha


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