Learning about ducks.


In the Brooder
May 29, 2017
Do ducks automatically know how to fly when they're ready? If and when they do fly away will they come back home ? Like do they know where home is ? When they fly will they migrate with other ducks that they don't know? I have one duck that is a wild duck and one farm duck that I heard won't fly or if it does fly only a very short distant if it does but besides that it can't fly because it'll be too be too heavy to fly. My ducks are inseparable will my flyer leave her alone since they only know each other ? Will my flyer even leave home at all since this is where he is fed ? My ducks are spoiled for the most part with food I give them a healthy variety of fruit and veggies and eggs fish they also eat their normal food throughout the day . Any information would greatly be appreciated. Thank you so much for any response I could use all the help I can get for I am a first time duck momma and noone except really helps with information with them except they should be on a farm or in a duck sanctuary. I love them with all my heart and I won't part with them . In a way they have brought me out of my depression that I've been in since my grams passed 3 years ago and I've been happy and not sleeping all day and just dragging the day waiting for days to passed . Once again thank you for any help .Amanda
This is my first full year having ducks, after getting ducklings last spring. My ducks are too fat to fly for the most part, the few who can don't like to leave the others for very long. They are very territorial about their favorite spots, especially around their pond or feeding area.

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