Learning all I can about call ducks !

Well poop I thought I come up with that on my own... I started whistling at them when they first started roaming the yard whenever they would go where I didn't want them and I would go shoo them back to safety. I was just thinking what a mamma duck would do ha ha It did seem to work for a while but they are pretty independent of me now. What's awesome for now is I have two purple Martin houses one on each back corner of my back yard. So when the ducks get too close to the back fence the martins swoop around and they come running back lol that's teaching them to stay close!!

Whistle when the Martins swoop over, and only then for a bit.. then you can use the whistle for calling them back and it will work better... just don't overuse it and keep up on whistling when they freak out... that's the key...

Sorry I went to bed before I saw your post last night. Anyone feel free to correct anything I say on here I'm fairly new at this too but here goes. First if your feeding chic starter it doesn't have enough niacin in it and you will need to to give it brewers yeast or some kind of niacin supplement. I don't know if that would have anything to do with the balding though, does he have a playmate? Possibly could be nervous or bored behavior? As far as diarreah I'm not sure how tour supposed to tell if a duck has diarrhea or not it will depend on their water intake and what they eat. So if it's not constant totally runny I wouldn't be too worried about that one. As far as eating poo goes.. Birds are just kinda gross and they nibble everything!! I wouldn't worry about that either unless you believe its ingesting large quantities of it! If you watch close I bet its not swallowing much of it they just have to check everything out to see if they can eat it lol
Do I get brewer's yeast from the tractor supply store or a pet or anywhere they sell ducks ? Also can I buy niacin from the pet store for the ducky . I'm getting him/her a playmate today.
Do you know why my duck has red eyes like his eye balls are red will they change color as he gets older because I've seen ducks at the farm family and home store that are around his age that have regular colored eyes the young guy working there when I asked him kinda smerked and jokingly said it's the devil not being mean just joking but he said he didn't know why . Also my ducky ( i named him daryl) walking dead fan hear if anyone knows the show but what besides his ducky good food is he allowed to eat ? Ive given him scrambled eggs and he devours them and can't get enough but I only give him them once a day but only a small amount not even a while egg and he had some green beans he likes those too but those once I mashed everything up very finely so no choking.
Do you know why my duck has red eyes like his eye balls are red will they change color as he gets older because I've seen ducks at the farm family and home store that are around his age that have regular colored eyes the young guy working there when I asked him kinda smerked and jokingly said it's the devil not being mean just joking but he said he didn't know why . Also my ducky ( i named him daryl) walking dead fan hear if anyone knows the show but what besides his ducky good food is he allowed to eat ? Ive given him scrambled eggs and he devours them and can't get enough but I only give him them once a day but only a small amount not even a while egg and he had some green beans he likes those too but those once I mashed everything up very finely so no choking.
you can get brewers yeast at a health-food store or on amazon
peas are really good for ducks too
it sounds like your duck may really be an albino
can you post more photos of him?
and i think the name is perfect for him!
I would say must be albino if he has red eyes I can't think of any other reason Liz ravyn will have to help you on feed it kinda depends on what you can get in your area everyone says Purina flock raiser but I can't find it. Also there is a sticky on here that tells what they can and cant have I would put up a link but don't know how lol

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