Learning all I can about call ducks !

rose moss must taste good. Hope it's ok for them to eat.
I'm new to this so I might not have seen your message I'm still getting use to finding where to post a message at and finding where people respond to my questions . But yes he was abandoned he's actually doing really good his buddy that I got him is probably 2 weeks older than him or looks it she's bigger than him but she follows him everywhere . Don't know what the sex of either are but I'm just guessing little one is boy (Daryl) big one girl (Carol) walking dead names . Daryl has always followed me because he was almost newborn since I've had him but Carol is abouta month old so she hasn't warmed up to me yet and I don't know how to get her to trust me. They're in my tub swimming they love swimming together they hate getting out .


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I'm new to this so I might not have seen your message I'm still getting use to finding where to post a message at and finding where people respond to my questions . But yes he was abandoned he's actually doing really good his buddy that I got him is probably 2 weeks older than him or looks it she's bigger than him but she follows him everywhere . Don't know what the sex of either are but I'm just guessing little one is boy (Daryl) big one girl (Carol) walking dead names . Daryl has always followed me because he was almost newborn since I've had him but Carol is abouta month old so she hasn't warmed up to me yet and I don't know how to get her to trust me. They're in my tub swimming they love swimming together they hate getting out .
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Aww so cute. Don't worry I understand. I'm still figuring things out myself. I just learned tonight how to put up videos. Biggest thing I've learned to get them to trust you is food food food lol refer to the treats for ducks sticky topic. Also no sudden movements slow calm walking and getting down on their level and not looming over their head. They are instinctively afraid of anything coming at them from above. Just remember if you feed them anything but process feed they need access to grit. They will get it themselves if they can forage outside but if they can't forage you will need to get them some. Or give them a dirt clod to pick at once in a while.
Oh and I learned that only females quack. Boys have a low raspy voice when their voice changes from the peep ing sound. So if you start hearing a quack you know it's a girl! Mine sounded like a sick honking sound to start with but soon changed to a quack. The boys kept their peep peep sound for another good week before they started with the raspy voice.

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