Learning experience


In the Brooder
10 Years
May 30, 2009
Hi all,
I incubated 8 of my quail eggs that my quail had laid. 1 was infertile and on day 14 3 were fully developed and 3 were alittle behind (candling showed me this) yesterday day 17 3 eggs pipped, and one died this morning and I think the other did too but finally 24 hours after pip one hatched, it is very cute but I'm wondering what to do with the little guy if he's a solo, nobody in my area has quail chicks so I'm trying to figure out if he can have a chicken chick friend or what to do, because I know raising birds by themselves is bad for them, all least it wasn't the best method for my chickens, any opinions or anybody with a good solution feel free to post, also when should i give up oh hatch? Thanks
I had quail eggs about 2-3 past their hatch date pop out so give them a couple more days. Quail are too small to stick in with chicks unless you have a very small bantam like a sebright or something and even those chicks are still bigger than a quail. It's probably better off to live on it's own than to be trampled by a much larger chick. Ask around at your local feed store. If anyone would know who has quail, they would.
Chickens may carry diseases that you are not aware of, but are fatal to quail. I don't recommend ever keeping the two together and you should wash your hand in between handling them. Chickens can develop disease any day of the week from things they eat or environmental conditions. That's ok for chickens, since they have a hearty immune system, but it can be a death sentence for your quail. Read the blue link in my signature about keeping quail with chickens. If that isn't gross enough I can show pictures of a quail with very advanced fatal coryza, but it will turn your stomach.

For the lonely quail just give him a small stuffed toy. He will peep pretty persistently when he gets bored but the stuffed toy helps. Also you spending time with it will make it be less lonely. These types of quail make the best pets later because it will imprint to you quickly. The lady at my local SPCA has a coturnix hen that just cruises around inside the spca office all day getting love.

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