Leaving chickens out in run while you're gone

Quote: Eventually, the sod will grow up through a horizontal skirt, even if you don't bury it. You could always lay down the skirt, add a few rocks to hold it in place, and put down an inch or two of mulch over it, broadcast some more grass seed over the mulch. I would not be comfortable simply laying it on top of the grass, cause, I can be sure, we'd end up getting the mower tangled in it. Not good for either skirt or mower. You could even lay the skirt, and top it off with flakes of hay. They would decompose, and there would be enough grass seed in the hay to seed the area... This for the flockster who is not concerned about having a weed free lawn!
If the ground the mesh is going to cover is good and flat, laying it on top will be fine, mowing down really low first can help a lot.
Was on most of mine, but there were areas that were not so flat and I've had trouble there.
Got one part hung up in the riding mower blade, that was fun to untangle...could have been much worse tho, had to dig out under that section and bury it.
Using some landscape staples can really help tack it down until the grass grows back.
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The issue I question here is things coming in through holes that let's say the gopher dug?

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