Leaving for the Weekend - update!

Jul 1, 2022
Hi everyone!

I was recently on a trip and didn't have much time to prep my girls before we head out again as a family and will leave them alone for two full days. We have this coop for 3 - 12 week old girls (medium sized). Their area with the coop is fenced off on either side - one of the sides faces our yard which is fully fenced, the other a garden area with another fence and the last side our driveway which leads to an alley. (The coop is butted up against our garage so they have a little enclosed area to be outside most days).

Due to the holiday weekend, we're headed up to the cabin and will be gone two full days. Is it OK to leave them in their coop that long? Every morning they are so anxious to get out so I feel bad cooping them up in there for two full days with not much to do when normally they forage around all day. They have been left out unsupervised when no one is home before but never overnight since I wouldn't be comfortable with that (sometimes they hop up onto the gate to the garden area so I worry about them getting out if I don't watch but they never have!)

I am going to open the main door fully and scoot a dog kennel up to it to allow more space for a water and feeder while we're away so they don't run out of necessary items- I mostly want someone to tell me it's OK for them to be cooped up for two days - I feel bad! I haven't gotten the time yet to make a fully enclosed run or find a young person in the area to check on them twice a day.

I looked around to find a "sitter" and found a few options on Rover.com. I have a pet sitter who's an RN agreeing to let my girls in and out at night so my stress is eased! Thanks for all the tips. I hope to have a better set up for the future and when winter arrives.
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There are a lot of factors in determining whether they would be fine or not. Do you live in a neighborhood? Is their coop predator proof? Does each chicken have adequate space? Do they typically get locked up at night? What is the weather like? Sorry for all the questions!
x2 I would say especially weather right now and space
Does your coop stay comfortable on hot days or does it turn into a rotisserie?
It's airy but can be in full sun until about 3 pm or so when they get some shade from the garage.
Looks like it'll be mid-80's around when we leave, high 70's and 80's with showers and high 80's again the 2nd full day we're gone (we're in MN).
There are a lot of factors in determining whether they would be fine or not. Do you live in a neighborhood? Is their coop predator proof? Does each chicken have adequate space? Do they typically get locked up at night? What is the weather like? Sorry for all the questions!
No apology needed, thank you for helping me think it through! I wish I had more time to prepare - my fault!

We are in a neighborhood in MN so neighbors are very close by to us in the city. The coop has an area where they sleep and then a little area down below they can walk around - they do normally get locked up at night and like their evenings all nestled in but since they're so young, they get antsy until I let them out in the morning. Maybe I'll look on Rover.com for a checker person but it's such short notice!

Weather looks to be high 70's and 80's while we're gone, with some showers.
Does your coop stay comfortable on hot days or does it turn into a rotisserie?
It's airy but can be in full sun until about 3 pm or so when they get some shade from the garage.
Looks like it'll be mid-80's around when we leave, high 70's and 80's with showers and high 80's again the 2nd full day we're gone (we're in MN).
Just to give more shade just in case, you could always put up an umbrella, shade sail, or cover of some sort. Put extra waterers in their coop too. Do they ever get fully locked up at night?
How big is their coop (at least 12 square feet)? How hot will it be during the day? Can you provide a small fan for extra ventilation? Can you absolutely secure that dog kennel to the coop opening so it canNOT be moved? Throw in a head of cabbage and a whole cantaloupe or such, scatter a good share of scratch grain on the floor, and they'll be perfectly entertained.
From the description of your setup, I'm more concerned about security from predators while you're away than I am about space and activity.
No apology needed, thank you for helping me think it through! I wish I had more time to prepare - my fault!

We are in a neighborhood in MN so neighbors are very close by to us in the city. The coop has an area where they sleep and then a little area down below they can walk around - they do normally get locked up at night and like their evenings all nestled in but since they're so young, they get antsy until I let them out in the morning. Maybe I'll look on Rover.com for a checker person but it's such short notice!

Weather looks to be high 70's and 80's while we're gone, with some showers.
Sorry I didn’t see this before my last post. Well I’m my honest opinion, I would probably find someone to put them away at night and let them out in the morning. I’d rather be safe than sorry! They may be antsy, but they will totally be okay in their coop/run for two days.
How big is their coop (at least 12 square feet)? How hot will it be during the day? Can you provide a small fan for extra ventilation? Can you absolutely secure that dog kennel to the coop opening so it canNOT be moved? Throw in a head of cabbage and a whole cantaloupe or such, scatter a good share of scratch grain on the floor, and they'll be perfectly entertained.
From the description of your setup, I'm more concerned about security from predators while you're away than I am about space and activity.
I agree. Predators are determined where I am at. They’ll survive with minimal activity and not as much space, but they are far less likely to survive something trying to eat them.

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