leg help


In the Brooder
11 Years
Dec 15, 2008
Kingston, TN
I have a 4 month old peafowl that seems to have a hurt leg. I don't believe it is broken because she can walk on it but is unstable when doing so. The leg seems to be setting inward towards her body. She was fine yesterday and I have had her from hatch. Could it be a spain? Does it need a splint? Hopefully the pictures will help. I have isolated her in a small pen so she is not trying to fly or jump to roosts. Thanks for your help.


She may have slipped a tendon in her hock. Feel her "knee" and see if you can feel a string like tendon hanging on the side of her 'knee'. It should be wrapped around the back instead of out to the side.
Thanks Chickenzoo for the reply. I felt around the knee area and it did not feel like anything was out of place as compared to the other one. She seems to be moving a bit better on the leg so I'm hoping that maybe she just bruised it or something. I will be keeping a close eye on it over next few days. Also do you think she is IB? She has no green on her neck and the crest is tall and towards the back of the head, spalding maybe? Thank you!
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Deerman I'm thinking it's a spalding. James in TN from the UPA gave me a some eggs when I bought a hen from him. He has a lot of colors and spaldings. Any guess on the color or is she to young to know?
I had one with a similar leg issue. I gave it vitamin C complex in its water for a while and it got better, but I can't say if the vitamins made a difference or not.

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