leg issue in rooster

Womack Farms

5 Years
Jul 22, 2014
Shiloh Georgia
My 4 month old rooster (at least we think he is a rooster) is having leg issues. I noticed yesterday that his hock joints seems to be popping out of place.. both legs at the joint pop outward when he tries to walk and take a step. I researched leg issues and found that maybe there is a calcium deficiency. Our chickens free range so they don't typically eat much of their feed unless its something special i bring them. I have began supplementing their food yesterday and today with leafy greens, yogurt, and raw fresh organic goats milk mixed in the feed. I have ordered food grade bone meal that should arrive tomorrow. I am having trouble finding what this could be and how to help him. He is the sweetest chicken and loves attention. Hes the first to run to you when we come out side and call them. Today his legs seem worse. He is laying more and he stumbles when he walks, when his joints give way he tries to catch himself and one foot goes in front of the other.. can i help him?
I have one that is having the same problem. Thought I was going to have to put her down because she couldn't walk. She was hobbling around. I put her in my lap and turned her on her back after she calmed. I sat there with her checking for any injuries but couldn't find one. Then I heard a couple of pops. I put her down to record how she was getting around so I could come on here and get some help but she could walk right again. Slow but she seemed better as long as she was slow about it. I have her separated from the rest of the flock. I don't know if this is something she will always have a problem with her hip popping out of joint or not hopefully someone on here has had the same experience and can give dome advice.
My very large Rooster is doing the same. Have u gotten any answers.? He doesn’t seem to be in pain… but it’s painful for me to watch….

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