Leg Problems, Frostbites or Predator?


In the Brooder
Jul 18, 2016

This leg is pulled up and my rooster is standing on the other leg which looks worse IMO.


Problematic Leg:

Other leg:
I think it is missing that huge nail and i see blood.

Not sure if this leg looks normal?


Here you can see like some mold on leg:

My theories:
There is a very low probability for the predator like a fox or anything like that because 2 dogs are living with chicken and I am sure nothing can go through them. But I see a missing nail on one leg and some blood.

The second theory is frostbites, but yesterday was not that cold, in fact, a few weeks ago was colder and this is not the first winter for this rooster.

Weirdest theory is that maybe my rooster jumped on the sheep and somehow stuck his nail in the sheep wool and maybe that is hurting him?

At this moment i put him in a corner and he is resting, but if these are frostbites or something like that I probably need to do something. I know I put lots of pictures but I am not sure which one is giving the best details of the problem. Please gime any advice.
Hmm, do you want me to create direct pictures in the post? That will be then long post, or maybe I should create album?
OMG I have seen the other topic with that disease. Do I repeat treatment once per day? Can the rooster be in the backyard or I need to place him somewhere to be alone?
He does not need to be separated from others. But I’d invest some time in to checking the other’s legs.
Depending on how he responds to the first treatment will determine how often. Treat him soak...then take a picture before you apply the Vaseline. Let’s take a look then. To upload a picture just click on the “upload a file” prompt.
You may only need to soak once. But pictures will definitely help determine that.
Ok thanks I will do it tomorrow. Do you maybe have more info how much water and how much salt to put in the water?
I use a foot tub. You only need enough water to cover the legs. Luke warm. Salt’s I never really measure you can’t put into too much in a soak. I guess a 1/4 cup to a gallon.
Get prepared before you start. You could wrap him in a towel and just hold him. A good soak for 20 minutes. That can seem like a long time so get comfortable. I get a chair and make a little stand just the right height. Let me see if I can get a picture.
I had this out yesterday. I use a chair to sit in ( I’ma old) I like the padding of the old pillow and towels cause my elbo’s Like the cushioning. The longer you can soak the better. You could scrub w/toothbrush and soak again too. Let us know how it went. You could use a old pot ... I don’t do mine in the house lol

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