Leg Problems

Oct 15, 2023
So my plymouth rock has had a bad limp for about a month now and I can't figure out what on earth is wrong with her leg! Her pad and toes are completely normal, no scabs, bruises, or bumblefoot. Her scales are normal too so no scaly leg mites. I have been examining and re-examining her leg countless times up and down feeling and looking for bumps, bruises, tender parts etc. but to no avail I can't find anything and yet she is obviously in pain and won't quit limping. What are ya'lls thoughts? She is one year old, her diet is layer crumble, and she is still laying an egg every day. I thought it might be frost bite because we had really cold temps for a week and that's when she started limping, but that was at the beginning of the month and now its in the 70s and she is still limping. Please help I don't know what to do with her!
If her pads and toes are ok and she doesn't have any bumblefoot spots, then she might have caught her leg in something (chicken wire or any netting, random hole in the wall, etc) My younger girls did that a few times - launched across the coop and got their feet stuck in chicken wire. The younger and more energetic they are, the harder it is to baby-proof everything on the walls of the coop. Usually mine were able to get themselves free before I could run over, so she might have done it while you weren't around and is just dealing with a wrenched leg.
It happens a lot in my flock. I think the main cause is either I or my goats step on their toes. my guess is that it's a sprain or hairline fracture. I'll usually separate them in a cage alone with soft bedding until they are walking normally again. Sometimes it takes a few days, up to three months.
The only thing a vet would do it x-ray her, prescribe Meloxicam and bedrest, then bill for $250.
So my plymouth rock has had a bad limp for about a month now and I can't figure out what on earth is wrong with her leg! Her pad and toes are completely normal, no scabs, bruises, or bumblefoot. Her scales are normal too so no scaly leg mites. I have been examining and re-examining her leg countless times up and down feeling and looking for bumps, bruises, tender parts etc. but to no avail I can't find anything and yet she is obviously in pain and won't quit limping. What are ya'lls thoughts? She is one year old, her diet is layer crumble, and she is still laying an egg every day. I thought it might be frost bite because we had really cold temps for a week and that's when she started limping, but that was at the beginning of the month and now its in the 70s and she is still limping. Please help I don't know what to do with her!
Video of her?

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You have another bird you just posted about in another thread. You mentioned steep roosts.
It may be time to address the roosting space.
If your Rock is roosting and she's jumping down, then she may just be re-injuring herself every day.
Video of her?

Upload video to YouTube and provide a link.

You have another bird you just posted about in another thread. You mentioned steep roosts.
It may be time to address the roosting space.
If your Rock is roosting and she's jumping down, then she may just be re-injuring herself every day.
I'll try to get a video of her tomorrow. Yes we are going to build them a new coop as soon as possible, in the meantime we have a ramp they can walk up. What would you suggest doing right now?

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