Leg stretch!


10 Years
May 11, 2013
This duck is killing me. So most ducks I've ever seen can master the "Yoga Duck" one-leg stretch within days of hatching. But not this little girl. She stretches one leg out, holds it....and then sloooowly falls downward into a full "plop" with her leg still outstretched! I've been trying to catch it on camera for days! It has me in stitches every time.

Do any of you guys witness "Yoga Duck" this way? Do your duckies have any cute quirks like that?
I am always saying that my ducks do yoga! My favorite is when they lay down on the ground and stretch one leg out flat behind them, or when they shrug their shoulders up above their heads. It really does look like they are practicing yoga.

I would love to see that video if you get one... Sounds both cute and funny. :)
I am always saying that my ducks do yoga! My favorite is when they lay down on the ground and stretch one leg out flat behind them, or when they shrug their shoulders up above their heads. It really does look like they are practicing yoga.

I would love to see that video if you get one... Sounds both cute and funny.

Ha, she totally does that too! :p What pose would you call it...Downward Duck?

I'll keep trying to capture the magic moment, it really is hilarious. She isn't called "Wobbles" for nothing!
LOL! Duck yoga! That totally IS a thing!!!!! I have a couple of girls that are partial to sitting around balanced on just one leg. I call it the Kickstand! And I have a funny photo I took from when they were just a few weeks old, where one of the ducklings has both legs outstretched behind her as she lays on the ground. We called that one the Double Wang.
KICKSTAND! Omg!!! XD I've seen the wild mallards in my area do that, but never a domestic duck, for some reason. I just kinda figured they were too big. Guess not!

As for the leg splang thing, we call it the Bear Rug, but I think I like Double Wang better.
SQUEEEE! She looks just like a rubber chicken!
I love them! You have such beautiful babies <3

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