Leghorn going to chicken jail with mug[really a body] shot.


i dont eat chicken!!!!
9 Years
Nov 2, 2010
Menifee CA
So 3 days of was my leghorn themlas rest day. Yesterday i didn't get a egg from her or any at all. We had some trama in the run but she wasn't in there when it happened. So i figured thats why no egg. Well today after shooing them out of my garage and around back i malked by the pool pump and BAMB. There was an egg. So i'm thinking she just laid the egg yesterday somewhere else in the yard. I have looked in all the usual places they go to and cant find it. SOOO that means its off to jail for a few days for thelma.

Thelma will either have learned her lesson & lay all her eggs in the right place


She'll seek her revenge & after being good for a few days she'll be released, find a really good hiding place & you'll never find her eggs again!!
Ya i think she will be seeking her revenge. I am sure she is already planing it since i was telling her all day she is being put in jail tomorrow.
Don't be too surprised if the jail trick doesn't work:lol: I have one hen that I sentenced to three days, then five days, and then TWO WEEKS, and she still refuses to go back in the coop at night. Instead she flies off to some nearby trees all by herself, and then returns in the morning when the others are let out. She does lay her eggs in the coop though, so it will be interesting to she what she does when her hormones tell her to go broody
My daughters dog chased my chickens out of the yard and I went from 6 eggs a day to 1. . . I am still searching!
I built a huge corral for them and hope they wwill stay home with my breakfast!!!
good Luck with Thelma

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