Leghorns (help)

I free range mine. But my leg horns are not dedicated to laying in a nest box.

They find the most outta the way places to lay. Then mine if you do find where they lay and collect the eggs they move.

So in my opinion keeping them cooped is the best thing. Unless you like easter egg hunts daily.

Lol yeah I don't think I want to do Easter egg hunts daily.lol Thanks I'm still not sure if I want one but we will probably try to get one next month. Do leghorns like other chickens or do they tend to fight often? If so what breeds do they get along with? Thanks again
PS I didn't no chickens could eat cheesecake lol

They will eat a lot of stuff, I have learned. Leghorns love tomatoes so why not lasagna?


And isn't cereal a grain?

My Daisy is our alpha hen. I can't tell you how any bird will integrate with your flock as I believe they are individuals. My flock is Daisy and 2 RIR mixes. Daisy was here when we integrated the 2 RIRS and she was good with them. Sorry I can't help more.

I let mine out to free range in my fenced in yard when I can be there to supervise. I have lost a bird to a hawk and personally fended off 2 attacks, so they can't be alone. They always go back in the coop to lay their eggs even if they are out in the yard.

The flock in the new run I built for them in January.
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I had two exchequer leghorns. They laid regularly but were nervous and loud. Both died after 5 years in the heat. They lay in the sun avoiding the shade, ice, misters, etc. Lots and lots of eggs with far fewer blood spots than my BCMs.
Ok so I'm thinking if I got some I would regret it but I keep on changing my mind. I love lots of eggs but not mean flighty chickies. Everyone has different thoughts about leghorns but I still can't decide.
I never found them mean my dad had 25 of them mixed in his layer flock. They are flightier but they're a small bird and will tolerate being in a coop and run, in the commercial setups they're kept in cages. Just be sure to have a run with a top of some sort because they do fly pretty good, it seemed every night I was out back chasing down at least 1 Leghorn that wouldn't stay in the 6 ft tall chicken run fence we were always clipping wings too and they could still get out
I have kept both brown leghorns and white leghorns. They will do fine with a flock of layers, especially if they free range. They will handle confinement well, as long as they do not have to fight for food or water. I have never had a leghorn be any meaner to other chickens than any other breed.
I have kept both brown leghorns and white leghorns. They will do fine with a flock of layers, especially if they free range. They will handle confinement well, as long as they do not have to fight for food or water. I have never had a leghorn be any meaner to other chickens than any other breed.

Ok great we are not free ranging but I will keep two waterers a feeder and through feed out every day after school in the coop :) Thanks a lot I think I'm going to try one in our flock this year

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