Leghorns pecking cochin feet!!


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jun 10, 2012
I have a mixed coop of a buff orpington, 3 cochins, and 2 leg horns (and I have 2 barred rocks, another cochin, and 2 buff orps in the brooder). I noticed a couple weeks ago that my cochin's feathers on their feet were sparse. I thought maybe it was some sort of disease so consulted my books and BYC forums and didn't find anything that matched with this. They are laying, eating, drinking, full of energy and otherwise seem healthy. Then I noticed my leghorns pecking on their feet! Again I read up on this behavior and have tried increasing their time free ranging to separate them and keep them busy, and if I'm present for the behavior this mama hen steps in! But I'm not there all the time and I'm not noticing much healing. I realize it will take some time to heal and grow back the feathers-but is there any other advice to stop this behavior? I'm already concerned with introducing the new ladies and now this makes me all the more nervous

Is there anything else I'm missing and should also be looking for as far as health concern or other behaviors to watch for?

Thanks in advance!
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I can't help you at all. I have one leghorn that plucks out the beard on one of my easter eggers. The easter eggs seems to enjoy the grooming and attention. So, I just live with a beardless easter egger.

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