
My buffs have been a lot of fun and are very pretty. Nothing flighty about them, the cock is friendly and not aggressive and treats his girls nice. He is even nice with chicks. Some of the girls have been broody and were the best, most attentive mothers of all of my chickens.

As a cockerel


All sun bleached but still a pretty guy


Momma with MANY chicks


Hand raised chicks are quick to learn and very curious

We own one of those broody white leghorns..she does better than any other broody hands down.All of the colored leghorns are more mellow than white..we have owned all colors at one time or another.The browns are second to the white in production and size.My buffs spent more time being broody than laying eggs-had one that never laid an egg in over a year it was just a kid raising fool.She wouldn't have one bunch raised when she was sitting on another still telling the older kids what to do
Another real mellow one is the Millie.The silvers are beautiful color wise one of my favorites...but since legs are here for eggs only we are cutting all the colors other than white and a few family pets in brown and silver.My checkers are elderly now so they are living here laying on occasion in a project pen.
I too actually have a leghorn who has gone broody in the past and raised chicks! She grew up with a family with a younger daughter so was handled so much she's not actually that flighty. Spoiled rotten, she is also the size of a production red. LOL
Well I have to disagree with some of this. My red Leghorns are extremely friendly and very nonchalant. My girls will come up to me and hop onto my lap and love to be pet. They will eat from my hand and are perfectly content to free-range around my horses; they aren't afraid of anything! I was using a power saw near their coop one day and they still walked around right next to me. haha

They are excellent egg layers too, but that's kinda a given. They are quite loud sometimes, especially when they want me to let them out of their run. Really they are quite good chickens, always go back into the coop at night and all that.

I raised them from chicks and spoiled them of course, but they are really sweet.

I don't have any pics of them recently, but I have a pic of them as fluffy butts!


I also have a trio of exchequers that are still youngsters, but as far as I can tell, they're going to be just like my reds! Here's a pic of them as adorable lil fluffers.


I'll have to take some more pics of them to share
QUESTION about Leghorn Laying--

Has anyone known their Leghorns to lay more than one egg a day? Is that even possible for a hen to do? I have one leghorn hen who just reached maturity 4 weeks ago and began to lay a little white egg every day. I know it is her egg because none of my older hens lay a white egg, they are all browns and blue-green.
I recently had a batch of black-Bantams reach maturity as well, all laying little light brown eggs, same colour as their mothers only smaller due to their age.
Now this past week I've found 2 white eggs in the nest some days, exactly the same size. It seems like one day I get one white egg, the next day I get two. Is it possible my leghorn is laying 2 eggs some day? She did recently lay me a massive double yolker which I found unusual for a hen that just started laying? Phenominal!
Or could it be that one of my young black-bantams is laying white eggs...I would have thought their eggs would be the same as their mothers???Hmmmm???
I have had my one old girl Krispy lay 2 in less than 15 hours. She usually skips a couple days after it happens though. This is maybe once ever month or so.

Also I know it's her because it's her and my leghorn rooster penned and in the house so no other birds can get in. Will put them to bed at 9pm and let them out at around 11am the next day and there will be two eggs.

hi im new to the whole thing of railing chickens and i recently purchased a 30 week old brown leghorn hen but it isnt laying when should it start
this is just the apposite. are leghorns might try to run away when we reach for them. but when we get them they lay in our arms on there backs and strech there legs out wating for the belly rub to start. they love us as much as we love them. HUGE LEGORNS FANS HERE!.

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