Lemon-Drop and Starbursts Pets Stories and Pictures!


Let Your Light Shine ~ Matthew 5:16 🤍✝️
Mar 5, 2021
Western Washington
My Coop
My Coop
Hello! Welcome to Lemon-Drop and Starbursts pet thread! We’ll be posting pictures of each of our pets, along with their stories and updates! We have 27 pets + honorary pets. We really love animals, and hope you do to, because there will be a LOT!

Feel free to chat about your animals, too! And ask any questions!

Following this post, there will be ‘profiles’ of each animal.

Thanks for reading, enjoy, and have fun!
Species: Chicken
Breed: Black Australorp
Age: 4 years
Birthday: February 18th, 2018
Jasmine was always very friendly as a chick, and is still happy to be held from time to time. Last Autumn, she was attacked by a large dog. While Starburst managed to get to the scene before the attack could become fatal, she was unable to walk. She refused to eat for days, and only drank when coaxed. While one leg seemed to work, the other wouldn’t work at all. Thinking it was dislocated, she was taken to the vet. After hours, the veterinarian determined that she was most likely paralyzed. They explained that when the dog was shaking her around like a rag doll, her spine may have been severely injured. They gave us medicine after we refused to put her to sleep, telling us that it may help her. Jasmine was a fighter! After two weeks of giving her medicine, a check-up pronounced her to have nerve damage. She was always weak, but one day, when she was taken outside, she flew out of her bin to get around! After several months living in the house and giving her medicine, she was hopping on one leg. By winter, a chicken tractor was made. The ‘Chicken Infirmary.’ She spent those snowy days in there, nice and snug, and I would put her in the coop to stay warm. By spring, she was able to be re-introduced to the flock. Amazingly, she began to use her weak leg to walk as well. It took Jasmine over a year to fully recover. Her favorite treat is mealworms and popcorn. And she loves to free range, despite her having a harder time getting around. She especially loves to dust bathe in the garden. :D
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View attachment 2345204

Species: Chicken
Breed: Buff Orpington
Age: 4 years
Birthday: February 18th, 2018
Emily is one of the remaining ‘original’ flock members. She’s sweet, but not one that really likes to be held. She loves to jump for mealworms, eat treats, and go broody. She also is always dirty!
Species: Chicken
Breed: Easter Egger
Age: 4 years
Birthday: February 18th, 2018
Yuki is the head hen-although she can be nice about it. She took a long break from laying eggs, but has started back up recently. When we first got her, we called her an Ameraucana, as we were fooled by the feedstore. She likes to be held, lays greenish blue eggs, and her favorite treats are huckleberries.

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