Lemon or buff?


In the Brooder
Jul 6, 2015
Rochester MN
This chick was sold to me as a "lemon Orpington" at the time I knew nothing about chicken breeds. Now that I'm totally submerged into the chicken world 5 weeks later I'm questioning whether this is a "buff" or a "lemon". Any opinions on the matter?


Cutest fluff butt ever!

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Here's a pic for comparison. There is a little range in the color of mine. I've seen pictures of lemons and they were more yellow. But maybe there is a range there too? Light Buff close to dark lemon?

Here's a pic for comparison. There is a little range in the color of mine. I've seen pictures of lemons and they were more yellow. But maybe there is a range there too? Light Buff close to dark lemon?

I was wondering if there was a color range since mine (named: butters) seems light colored. At the end of the day breed doesn't matter. I need pullets! Just guessing but so far my straight run chicks I'm guessing are mostly roosters! :(

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