less than 2 yr hold hen not laying


7 Years
Mar 20, 2015
Almost 2 years ago I purchased 4 hens. Black Astrolorp, RIR, and 2 Easter eggers. Last summer the RIR died suddenly, so I picked up two more Easter egger chicks.
Come fall the 3 older ladies did their molting and stopped laying. One of the youngsters started.
By Jan everyone started laying. But the Atrolorp laid about 4 eggs then stopped. It's now mid March, and she still hasn't started back up yet. She laid eggs most of last winter when she was just 6-9 mos old. I'm in NJ and while we did have a harsh winter, last year was worse. And we've had some really nice warm days recently.

Any ideas?

She looks and acts healthy. they all do. (I do not have a rooster)
Ok, it's now mid April, we have 50-70 degree weather. She laid about 1/2 doz eggs since the beginning of this post. Not a prolific layer at all. All the Easter Eggers are going to town with laying. I have a total of 5 hens. The BA and 4 EEs. I am getting 3-4 green eggs a day. Maybe 1 brown a week if I'm lucky. She's a big bird, looks and acts very healthy. Doesn't seem broody. Wormed regularly. Given crushed eggshells several times a week, grit daily. I feed chicken crumbles (Dumor from TS) as well has access to a protected 10x10 area of fresh grass.

So, what's your thoughts? She can't be too old at less than 2 yrs can she?

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