Lessons learned in my battle with mites

Hi I mixed it with water I don't remember exact amount but it tells you on the bottle. I sprayed it on them lightly on there entire body except the head then lifted there wings and sprayed that area,some of the spots around neck and shoulders I worked in with my hands. But too be honest only did it that one time,my personal belief is the ceyen pepper is the stuff that really is what's working.

Thanks for your info !
Here's what I did and it worked for me I haven't had mites in a year,first I cleaned the coop sprayed a mix of pure orange oil and water in the nest boxes and on the Roost's then sprayed the chickens and roosters with permethrin under wings on neck,legs and vent area. Then what I did and do daily is mix cayenne pepper in with there food and snack's which has raisins in it so the pepper sticks too them,and I also use ACV in there water with the mother in it every time I put new water in the coop. I have over 40 chickens and sell and eat the eggs so I will not put any chemical's in them and cannot dip them in anything toxic,I had a pretty bad infestation last winter and actually had a worm problem also and it took care of both. It did take a couple weeks but haven't had a problem or lost a bird,I also breed and hatched 100's of chicks and start giving them the pepper at 8weeks so far so good.
Do you use the powdered cayenne pepper? About how much do you add to your feed, more or less?

In Support of Cyan pepper: I never gave it a thought before; but my girls dusted themselves off in my garden which I was angry about at the time. I used Cyan in the Garden to keep out the local cat that used it for a litter box. Cyan was supposed to be a deterrent to Cats and Dogs, along with Vinegar. The Vinegar in full strength did repel the cat and to some degree the hens too; but the dusting with the red pepper seemed to keep pests from living on my flock. This year, I will try an see if the birds will consume chilly peppers to repel summer pests. Who knows?
Do you use the powdered cayenne pepper? About how much do you add to your feed, more or less?


I use several scoops because I mix large quantity's of bird seed,unsalted peanuts,raisins and rolled oats in 5 gallon buckets so I like to put about 2-3 cups at least so everything gets coated with the powered pepper,but I've also given them fresh hot peppers chopped up from my garden in summer.
OK, that gives me an idea. Thanks.

And another question; is that mix your regular feed mix?

I know that some wild bird seeds have cayenne in them to repel squirrels. Birds are not bothered by it, but mammals are.
So, it might be helpful in repelling rats, too.
I don't know if it works on rats haha,and that is there snacks I put it in I give them twice a day but on occasion I will put it in there regular feed. Also you can try putting apple cider vinegar in there water,the natural one that says "with the mothers in it" on the bottle is the one that is raw and has a lot of stuff in it that is good for there immune system.
Hi Chicken Obsessed,

I have found that keeping Guinea fowl with the chickens helps!
I don't have any mites on my layer flock, but I developed a problem with them on the 'spare roosters' as I call them, housed in a separate coop in my horse barn. {The short version of the story is that I lose Roos frequently to coyotes so I keep spares each year.} Anyway, last year a friend gave me some Guinea eggs and I ended up with three of them, housed them along with these mite problematic roosters and discovered they preen the roos, eating up all the mites in the process. The roos need to be kept tame, so I handle them each daily. This gives me a chance to inspect them for critters.
Don't expect Guineas to be great and friendly pets like your chickens, though! I have treated them with as much love and attention as my Chanty flock and they are still silly and fearful of me. When a stranger comes into the barn, or a new truck drives up in summer...wow loud and cranky!! Good watch-birds. Sadly, though, I still lose them to predators as they don't always come in when called like my chickens and roosters do.

Good luck!

How do the Guineas eat all those tiny mites? Don't they get on the Guineas in the process? Are Guineas resistant to mites? I am looking for solutions for my own problematic mite infested roosters and have to try some different things.
@JanetMarie -- would love to hear about what worked for you.
Neem Seed Oil full strength directly on the bird on the most infested areas. I put this on my Orpington rooster twice, a few days apart. It killed the mites right away, they weren't moving so I assumed killed, or rendered not able to move. I checked him yesterday and saw two mites and his scabs are healing! I'll put more Neem oil on him today just where the mites are.

I also used it on a hen, and checked her a few days later, and all of the mites were gone!

I also have used food grade Diatomaceous earth in the shavings on the floor, on the roosts, and in nest boxes and it helps to repel the mites. It kills mites also, because it cuts their outer coating and they die, but it is so dusty I don't like to use it; bad to breathe it in. Also, I mix the DE in their dirt bathing areas and will continue to do that, just not put much in, since it's probably not good for them to breathe it either.

The Neem Seed Oil is new to me so I still have to learn how often to re-apply, and if it will get rid of the mites out of their house permanently, thinking if the mites are not on the birds they won't be in their house either, maybe. So far I'm very happy with the results.

There's a Neem Seed Oil thread on BYC that I found the information.

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