Let me Introduce myself...


5 Years
Sep 25, 2017
Nova Scotia, Canada
Hey guys I am Shandina.

I don't have nay chickens yet, but I'm working on it! I had chickens when I was a little girl and one old hen really made me love chickens. I used to carry her around in my arms, and she was the only one that would let me get near her. (Probably because she was so old and couldn't get away fast enough!). But now I am a adult with my own property and my husband and I decided lets get some chickens!
I really enjoy how cool silkies are and they seem to be a good chicken if you want them to hatch some babies! so I am starting out with maybe 4 or 6 silkies and I will eventually let them hatch some eggs. I joined the site to learn as much as I can before I build my coop and go get my babys before winter hits. I am very lucky a girl down the road from me has a hobby farm and has so many silkies so I am getting mine for free! and they are about 2 months old. I also get to pick out which ones I want, which is sweet! I can't wait! My poor husband hearing me talking about chickens and coops all the time, it must drive him nuts! but this weekend we are beginning to remodel our old shed to be our coop! so I am excited to get going on the project and get those silkies home to me!

So happy to have found this forum!

Hi Shandina, it's nice to have you here! Hope you enjoy the Silkies, they seem to be quite popular, especially as broodies.

Good luck on your coop project and if you have questions, always feel free to ask (lots of helpful members on this site).

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