Sponsored Post Let There Be Light: Ensuring Egg Laying During the Darkest Days of Winter.

Not to be redundant, but I too am wondering if there is any health or comfort benefit to letting my girls take the winter off. I have 2 Red Rocks and 1 hen, Perry, hasn't laid since hurrcane Sandy. Katie was a steady egg-a-day hen until 2 days ago. I keep my girls in an A-frame chicken ark pics are in my profile) that doesn't have room to add lighting without heating them too. They are 6 1/2mos and I want to keep them healthy from the start.
Not to be redundant, but I too am wondering if there is any health or comfort benefit to letting my girls take the winter off. I have 2 Red Rocks and 1 hen, Perry, hasn't laid since hurrcane Sandy. Katie was a steady egg-a-day hen until 2 days ago. I keep my girls in an A-frame chicken ark pics are in my profile) that doesn't have room to add lighting without heating them too. They are 6 1/2mos and I want to keep them healthy from the start.
I really think giving them the winter off, helps them stand the cold. All of the nutrients that go into eggs, can be used instead to maintain feathers and body weight.Factory farms force the girls to lay year around, and it wears them out.
One thing to watch out for with respect to light bulbs. Not all compact fluorescent and LED bulbs can be used with photocells. Check the package first.

I purchased battery operated strands of lights (like Christmas lights) from QVC. They have a timer that can be set to come on the same time each day.
hi great post,i am having problems with my hens,i have 8 rir,a rooster and 2 ducks and have had no eggs worth this last 4 weeks,they have finished moulting 2 weeks ago fed layers pellets free choice,water free choice and oyster shell free choice,have a large caravan for coop,fenced secure area 25 ft x 20 ft and free range quater acre from 9.00 till they go in to roost at evening ,have put in light on timer but i have the light coming on from 3.30 afternoon till 10.00 at night giving them 15 hours light and since i have done this i have had not one egg for 7 days now,should i have the light coming on in the morning ? help please

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