lethargic 8mo old pekin with mites


May 15, 2011
Eastern Kentucky
My pekin had an injured foot last week, I brought him in to work on it and its doing better but the last 2 days he has gotten more lethargic, stopped eating/drinking and when I put him in bath his head becomes covered with bugs that I think are mites.

TSC is closed until tomorrow so I can't get antibiotics or poultry dust today. I tried offering banana with honey and pumpkin but he is not interested. His poop is very funny and almost flourescent green.

Any tips or help is greatly needed now.


His poop is probably runny and green because he hasn't eaten. Can you take him to a vet?
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Not until tomorrow, they are closed for Holiday. I'm just not sure what else to do until I can get antibiotics in him. I hope he make it another 24 hours.
Keep him inside with access to food, water and a heat source that he can move away from. Do you have a Walmart or Target near you? I think they're open today, maybe they have some kitten flea powder that you could use for the mites. If so, do your homework and make sure it's okay to put on a duck.
I have him inside with access to food and water. I went to Walmart this morning and bought Pedialyte and put that in his water at a 2-1 ratio. I have mixed his grain with water to make it soft and soup but he still refuses to take it in. I don't have a syringe to force feed him.

I think I have done all I can for the time being, just wanted to see if anyone else had an idea I hadn't thought of yet. I hope he makes through the next day. DH will get powder and antibiotics tomorrow and will treat him while I am at work.
Thanks Amiga, that's a great link I'll keep on hand. But sad to say that he has passed. I have no idea what killed him so quick but I know I did everything I could.
I'm not even sure how to put that process into action. We buried him in the back yard. The kids are taking it hard, he was hand raised as an orphan before I got the other ones to keep him company so he was a particularly friendly guy.

None of the other birds are showing any signs of illness but I plan to watch them more closely for the next week or so to ensure that they don't start down the same path. Both my CayugaXPekin crosses are active and eating heartily. The hens don't appear to be eating as much, there is grain left over in the morning but when I throw scratch down they go after it actively so I don't think I need not be concerned yet. I do have one hen in serious molt and she is almost bald the poor thing but I inspected her skin and she appears healthy with normal feather growth coming in (just slowly)

Thanks for your help. I still plan on picking up antibiotics and dust tomorrow, next time something happens I plan to have supplies on hand rather than waiting it out. DH thinks it was neurological and that he was not limping but dizzy from some sort of stroke or brain bleed. Who knows though.

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