Lethargic chick (3 mo's)...need help, please!


In the Brooder
11 Years
Sep 3, 2008
"Lucky", our sole survivor of a fox attack is in need of help! (she lost her mother and 2 sisters) She seemed fine until last week...

She is now chronically sleepy and can barely keep her eyes open. She could be in the middle of eating and then within seconds fall asleep. Can she have "narcolepsy" for chicks?! Could she be sick from the trauma of losing her family?

Lucky has been in a crate because we fear she will be scooped up by a hawk or other predator since she falls asleep right in the middle of the driveway! She barely eats and drinks because she is always tired. Today she ate 3 crickets, however, we noticed she had a difficult time with perception. We wonder if her eyesight is going bad? Is there an antibiotic we can give her? We read that maybe we should give her electrolites? Any help would be much appreciated!
Hard to say what it could be. Any chance she sustained internal injuries during the attack?
what do you feed her?
when was this attack and did you give electrolytes for the shock/?
I would immediately put electrolytes in her water (you will need to regularly "remind" her to drink by dribbling the water along beak)
I would also moisten her feed by adding JUST enough COOKED (human) oatmeal to it to make it clump together and I would also add general supplement (add in the oatmeal before you mix in the feed) > aviacharge 2000 is the most complete amd balanced I know of with chelated vitamins and minerals (where possible) > you can order online from McMurry Hatchery. You can also go to the pet store or fishing store and get some mealworms (do not give "wild " ones) and sprinkle a few of those on top of her feed... a dollop of live culture yogurt will also be good too.
I would also immediately give POLYVISOL enfamil (the one with NO extra iron) > three drops in beak once a day for a week and taper off the next.
Try the above and see if this gets her going again.
Hello everyone! I hope I am not being too optimistic, but I think today was a good day for Lucky.

Thanks to everyone's knowledge + advice, my husband picked up crumbles and grit for her. I went to Wal-Mart and picked up poly-visol vitamin (thanks, it was in the exact location you mentioned in the store). I had a hard time giving her the 2 drops for fear of hurting her. She wouldn't open her beak! "Luckily", she drank the drips from the dropper (phew).

I took her outside of her little crate for a little exercise and more fresh air, she even scratched at the mulch. I will continue giving her 2-3 drops of Poly-visol daily and crumbs in hopes that she gains strength. She has her water and gatorade for fluids. I will give her yogurt tomorrow as a treat. Can I give her any type of yogurt? (we have Breyers peaches + cream light yogurt and cherry pomegranate) I wasn't sure if fruit flavored is ok or should it be plain only?) I think she will enjoy it.

THANK YOU again for all of your help! I will keep you posted on her progress...
give a LIVE culture yogurt (plain not flavored)...
once she starts drinking sufficiently you can stop the electrolytes and then put aCV (applecider vinegar) in the water.

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