Lethargic Chick! Please help!


Aug 17, 2015
Hi everyone, I have a 10-11 week old EE pullet that has been acting lethargic the last 2 days. Everyone else is happy and healthy in the flock she's 1 of 16 of this age. She's normally pretty stand off-ish compared to the other but when I noticed how she was acting I picked her up with no problems which is unusual. She's still drinking water and eating but when threw treats out for them earlier she was just sitting on the ground and the others were stepping on her and she didn't even care. All while this was going on she was still pecking at the food though? She can still stand up and walk but isn't very active. She's also letting her wing feathers droop and isn't holding her tail erect. She doesnt have any places or her or signs of injury. They've been free-range for about a week now and it has been pretty hot the last couple of days but they have access to plenty of fresh water and shade. Any possibility she's just having a hard time with the heat or is it something more serious?
You may want to bring her inside to cool off, and see if she will take some watermelon or electrolytes. Is she is low in the pecking order she may not be getting enough to eat and drink. It helps to put water in 2-3 places in the shade. How does her crop feel--empty, partly full, hard, or puffy? Coccidiosis can still be a problem at this age, and the signs are lethargy, standing hunched or puffed up, not eating, and runny poops with mucus or blood. Corid is the treatment.
I've got her quarantined inside now with food and water. She's definitely eating and drinking. Seems to be more alert now that she's inside in the ac. Access to water and food outside wouldn't have been an issue as we do have 3 different sources for water that they can get to. Crop seems normal but she's always been a bit thicker built than the others but seemed a bit boney compared to the others also. No puffing up or staying hunched up just kind of droopy. Where theyve been free ranging I can't say for 100% certain about the bowel movements but nothing out of the normal in the coop or that I've spotted in the yard. But I'll keep an eye out for it now that I've got her inside. Thanks so much for the info. Any possibility it could be something she's ate?
Drooping wings and not moving around too much can be a sign of many different things. Look for any mold in your feed, since this time of year with heat and humidity, that can occur. Mold can cause aflatoxin poisoning, Dehydration, Mareks disease, mold, lead or chemical poisoning, and coccidiosis can all look similar. Many breeds of chickens can respond poorly to heat and humidity in summer. I hope she gets stronger with the fluids and AC.
Not seeing any mold in the food or anything. She's still acting about the same though. Seems fine while she's inside and I've been taking her outside for a little while but you can still tell she's not feeling too good. If it was due to the heat, any idea how long it usually takes them to perk back up?
Is she eating and drinking? How do her droppings look? If she still is lethargic, I would consider treating her with Corid for possible coccidiosis.

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