Lethargic chick with heavy laboured breathing


Aug 12, 2020
Hi all

Posting on behalf of my father. He hatched a small brood of chickens and they seem to be doing great. They are in the greenhouse with the ability to roam and scratch around but still have a lamp and warm safe spot to sleep.

We had a bad storm here last night and looks like their water blew over so they were without water for a while. We are not sure how long. This one chick was just lying there and giving little peeps when dad found her.

I have been keeping her warm while on my work calls. Talk about multi tasking! I have a heated desk mat so I have that on low and her resting against my hand to keep her temp stable. I also have been giving her egg yolk and water with a syringe. Just gently letting a drop run down the side of her beak until she opens and drinks it. No squirting in her mouth etc.

Every now and then she makes a peep and might try and walk 2 steps. But most of the time she just lies here with her feet curled up so she sort of ends up lying on her side even. Nothing seems broken or injured but her breathing is very laboured.

I attached a video. Any suggestions would be great. They are all on starter food and everyone else is just fine.

Update: the poor baby all of a sudden perked up for a minute then had a seizure and died. I have no idea why and the other chicks are doing fine.

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