Lethargic Cochin - No signs of injury - ADVICE?


10 Years
Dec 2, 2011
SW Washington
My Coop
My Coop
I just went out to my coop to give the girls some treats, and found my 22 week old cochin laying on her side in a corner of the coop. I assumed she was dead, but when I went over to pick her up, she moved. She is not opening her eyes and is very VERY lethargic, but I have no idea what is wrong. We just got home last night from a vacation, but had very responsible people looking after the hens. They had food and water when we got back.

I checked her over for injuries, washed her feet to get a good look....nothing. I've got her in the house in a laundry basket, and have tried giving her ACV with water from a syringe. She is making it hard for me to get it down her, because she keeps shaking her head as soon as she feels the water in her mouth.

Any ideas on what I can do to help her? Just isolate her with food and water? Heat? (It's 80' here today)
I just lost my only other cochin in a dog attack last week....I've got to keep this one alive!
Anyone??? She is flipping around in the basket now. I have read through my chicken books - nothing mentions this situation. ANY advice???
Could be many things. Open her beak,you are looking for something stuck in her throat,her flipping around and not wanting to drink,could indicate this. Check her for impacted crop. Keep her in house where it is cool,in case it is a heat related issue,she may be dehydrated.. Careful with syringe,you do not want to aspirate her. Try putting water in small pill bottle,hold it up so her beak touches water.

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