Lethargic duck, not eating

Lady Grey

In the Brooder
Aug 15, 2015
Northwest Oregon
My duck hen Antigone is acting "off". It's hard to explain-- she just doesn't act normal and ducky. She hasn't been preening much, doesn't quack much (normally she is very noisy), isn't foraging with the rest, drinking a lot of water, and walking strangely, like she hurts inside. I already checked her for peritonitis; there's nothing in there. She hadn't started laying yet anyways, but the symptoms seemed to fit.

Yesterday my sister told me she had found a duck tangled up in an old tarp, with a string stuck under her left wing and over her chest. She can't remember which duck it was, but it could have been Antigone. I can't afford a vet visit at all. What should I do for her? Right now she's in the shed with her sister, so that my other birds can't hurt her further.
I checked her all over, but there was no string. It was attached at both ends to the tarp, my sister says, so there was no danger of remnants. I'll try the videos in a moment.

I think this will work. Sorry for the delay.
The duck in the front. She hates to be picked up, so she runs from me. There is no discharge of any kind.

They were freaking out because I changed their routine. If left to her own devices, she does not want to move much.

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