Lethargic duck, same for three days maybe more


In the Brooder
May 24, 2023
Hello friends,
I need help with a diagnosis and treatment for an adult female Muscovy duck.
She is a mom duck that has been coming to my house with her two babies the last couple months. However, three days ago I noticed her laying down in my front yard with her wings a little droopy, and when I approached her she didn’t really move, but she was able to get to her feet and walk. At first I thought it was botulism, and immediately gave her Epsom salt water and some food, but it has now been three days and she is still the same. She seems to do everything very slowly and like she is struggling, such as when she is eating or drinking or when she preens she is hardly even touching her feathers. Her now juvenile babies have left her behind. When she stands, she stands for a long time without moving and her wings droop ever so slightly, and when she lays down, she also stays laying down for a long time, and when I approach her she weakly and slowly tries to walk away but I can still pick her up. I don’t know what it could be; maybe the Florida heat has her suffering? But she is not panting at all. Her eyes are open and look normal, she is not making any strange movements, her wings just droop slightly but she can put them up if she wants to, she seems very weak and she kind of stays frozen in whatever she is doing, whether standing or laying down. Any ideas friends? I really don’t want her to die, she is so lovely.


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How's the duck doing? If mine, I would probably give her fluids and antibiotics.
Unfortunately I haven’t seen her since I made the post. But since she is usually always in my front yard, I fear she may have passed away. 😔 If I do see her I will let you know but I am not hopeful, since her two kids have been stopping by my front yard every day.

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