Lethargic, fluffed up, skinny chicks... corid not working? Help please!!!


Jul 22, 2020
Southern Ohio
First of all, thank you to anyone who has advice to share! I appreciate you!

I have a brooder full of chicks ranging from 2 weeks to 5 weeks. My chicks are all very skinny, fluffed up, and lethargic. They are not wanting to play or do anything but sleep. Their tail is drooping down and they act like they are sick.

Today is day FOUR of corid and no improvement whatsoever. I thought it was coccidiosis, so that's why I started treating them. No improvement in fact, they have progressively gotten worse.

Any ideas for what this is? I panicked and ordered trimethoprim/sulfa antibiotics, and toltrazuril (in case it's cocci and somehow corrid isn't enough to kick it). My meds aren't going to be here till next week and my babies are not doing very well - I'm not sure if they will make it until then. :(

This is just really tragic for me. All of my chickens are very healthy, but last year I had ONE new hen i bought have these exact same symptoms and she died. I treated her with corrid as well and even a round of amoxicillin/tylosin. I also tried worming her with ivermectin and no improvement. Nothing worked for her and she passed. She was VERY skinny. Idk what I'm dealing with but I need help figuring it out.

For those of you who need more details (skip if you don't)
-brooder is very clean, fresh water and chick starter is supplied to them 24/7
-they have an adequate amount of heat, and several spots where they can get out of the heat if needed
-not on any vitamins because I'm giving them corid
-none of my other chickens act sick at all
-no coughing, runny noses, etc. Just lethargic, fluffed up, skinny chicks.
- I HAVE noticed that some of the chicks are not developing feathers or growing fast enough which is weird.

Thank you SO much for any help!!!
Can you post pictures of the chicks?
Have you drenched them with undiluted Corid?
How did you mix up your Corid water?
Was it powder or liquid? If liquid, how old?
Did you remove the fresh water during treatment?
Where did you get these chicks from?
Can you post pictures of the chicks?
Have you drenched them with undiluted Corid?
How did you mix up your Corid water?
Was it powder or liquid? If liquid, how old?
Did you remove the fresh water during treatment?
Where did you get these chicks from?
I haven't tried a corid drench - I've actually never done that before so I'm not sure how to.

I use liquid, I change it every morning. 9.5ml in a gallon. Yep, fresh water is removed during treatment! I bought fertilized eggs from several show breeders near me. I have adult birds from those same farms and they are extremely healthy. It's really odd... hoping I can narrow it down and figure out what's wrong. :(

Here's a picture of one of the chicks - he's a serama. He hunches over with his tail down and just wants to sleep all the time.

I use liquid
Look at the bottle and find the expiration date. Make sure it hasn't expired.
If it's still good, drench with one drop of undiluted Corid in the smaller chicks and 2 drops in the larger chicks to the side of the beak so it can wick in. Keep going at the 2 tsp per gallon dose for 10 days and drench once daily for 3 to 5 days.
Please post poop pictures.
I would also recommend you bring a fresh mixed fecal sample to your vet for a float ASAP.
First of all, thank you to anyone who has advice to share! I appreciate you!

I have a brooder full of chicks ranging from 2 weeks to 5 weeks. My chicks are all very skinny, fluffed up, and lethargic. They are not wanting to play or do anything but sleep. Their tail is drooping down and they act like they are sick.

Today is day FOUR of corid and no improvement whatsoever. I thought it was coccidiosis, so that's why I started treating them. No improvement in fact, they have progressively gotten worse.

Any ideas for what this is? I panicked and ordered trimethoprim/sulfa antibiotics, and toltrazuril (in case it's cocci and somehow corrid isn't enough to kick it). My meds aren't going to be here till next week and my babies are not doing very well - I'm not sure if they will make it until then. :(

This is just really tragic for me. All of my chickens are very healthy, but last year I had ONE new hen i bought have these exact same symptoms and she died. I treated her with corrid as well and even a round of amoxicillin/tylosin. I also tried worming her with ivermectin and no improvement. Nothing worked for her and she passed. She was VERY skinny. Idk what I'm dealing with but I need help figuring it out.

For those of you who need more details (skip if you don't)
-brooder is very clean, fresh water and chick starter is supplied to them 24/7
-they have an adequate amount of heat, and several spots where they can get out of the heat if needed
-not on any vitamins because I'm giving them corid
-none of my other chickens act sick at all
-no coughing, runny noses, etc. Just lethargic, fluffed up, skinny chicks.
- I HAVE noticed that some of the chicks are not developing feathers or growing fast enough which is weird.

Thank you SO much for any help!!!
Have you dewormed them?
Are they eating and drinking well? I second the giving of the Corid drench. If you start the other medication and stop the Corid, you can also give vitamins then, something like Poultry Cell or Polyvisol without iron 2-3 drops daily. I think coccidiosis, rather than worms, at this time would be the problem. I don’t recommend worming until they are older or over 2 months old. Offering a mushy chick feed with water and a bit of egg would be good.
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