Lethargic Hen...stumped


In the Brooder
Jun 30, 2015
Went out this morning to do the daily rounds of both of my coops. Noticed that my 5 month old Splash Wyandotte was laying on the coop floor and wouldn't stand up.Her she was quite puffed up and wings out to the sides supporting her. Although lethargic, she's bright eyed and talking. When I picked her up, she had a very large mound of soft fecal matter that looked like yogurt with a little bit of green. I tried setting her back down to see if she'd walk, nothing. Ran to Tractor Supply for Corid, I also examined her for egg bound but she hasn't started laying yet (thought maybe her first was coming and she was having a difficult time). Treated with Corid based on suspicion of Cocci. However, I'm not sold that's the issue. Any advice for a newbie?

Side Note: Treating all birds in both flocks, just in case.

This was her feces this morning. Better than yesterday, but still a ton of white mucous-like white on top and bottom. Upon further investigation, there were little pieces of red within it. She is eating a little this morning and drinking.
Treating for coccidiosis will not hurt her, and is wise to do. It could be a possibility that she is suffering from Mareks disease. Botulism and poisoning from old lead shot in the ground or mold in the feed can also be some possibilities. Do you know if she was vaccinated for Mareks? Can you stroke her legs to feet to see if she will move her toes? Does she have any drooping of her wings if you set her up to stand? Hopefully, it is just neurolgical symptoms from dehydration or coccidia, but here are some links to read about Mareks:
Thank you for your input...I've read up on Mareks. She's eating and her toes move but she's not standing. Her wings aren't as flopped downward today. In fact she was moving them earlier. She doesn't have any labored breathing, lesions, or eye discoloration. Her wattles and comb are bright red. No other birds seem to be showing anything similar. Both legs are tucked under her. She's moving around and talking. Honestly she reminds me of a broody hen the way she sits. She just won't stand up.
Hopefully she has just injured something. You could try some poultry vitamins and electrolytes (or just some B Complex vitamins tablet if you have it) in her water. Let us know how she is doing this weekend.
This morning she stood up and curled her toes on my fingers. She's still eating and her excrement looks normal. I'm hoping that I'll be able to return her to her flock by this weekend.

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