Lethargic Hen with Watery, Undigested Poop

I'm no expert, there are different ways to treat it I think, but I followed the advice on this thread https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/630307/sour-crop-cured-with-monistat  I also gave her probiotics mixed in with oatmeal. I used this http://www.amazon.com/Mercola-Complete-Probiotics-grams-powder/dp/B005IW1GOY/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1419727195&sr=8-5&keywords=pet+probiotic, sprinkled it on and mixed it in. I also used the chicken probiotic in her water.

I did not tip her upside down or try to make her throw up as I didn't want her to aspirate. I did feel her crop to see if it was big and squishy kind of like a water balloon.

Hm. I'll look into it more tomorrow, but I really want to see the vets opinion again on Monday.
If you have a knowledgeable vet, that is awsome! I did take mother to the vet and she didn't know what was wrong with her. $101 later "bring her back in tomorrow she may be egg bound, we will do an X-ray" Well, she wasn't egg bound... They did test her poo for worms and such, nothing wrong there. (other than the terrible diarrhea.)
If you have a knowledgeable vet, that is awsome!  I did take mother to the vet and she didn't know what was wrong with her. $101 later "bring her back in tomorrow she may be egg bound, we will do an X-ray"  Well, she wasn't egg bound... They did test her poo for worms and such, nothing wrong there. (other than the terrible diarrhea.)

That stinks. My vets know birds, but I'm not sure how many know chickens. The one bird vet that actually had chickens transferred to another office, unfortunately. So I'm hoping I'll get one that's at least worked with chickens before. I'm not 100% sure about my current one.
I'm not sure where in NJ you are located, but there's a chicken vet in Robbinsville, near Jackson. They operated on my chicken with EYP. I don't know if I'm allowed to post the name here, so I'll send in a PM.
So I took her to the vet and she thinks it's either egg binding or some sort of parasite/bacterial infection. She is on a 4 day anti-inflammatory because her abdomen feels extended. She also recommended I use a broad spectrum wormer (I will be ordering the valbazen stuff recommended here) and put her on a calcium supplement. I cannot get her to eat dry oyster she'll right now so I am going to give her mashed oyster she'll in a liquid, only problem is I'm not sure how much to mash. Yesterday I talked to a man who works at tractor supply and is very knowledgeable on chickens and he said it could be a salmonella infection, so he recommended I put her in oxytetracycline. If anyone can help me out with the calcium supplement dosage, I'd appreciate it. The vet recommended 42.3-73 mg, but that seems like a very small amount. If someone could give it to me in terms of how many pellets to mash, I'd appreciate it.
If you look on the package, it has to tell you (it's a law) how many mg per some sort of measurement. It will be written like mg/(?). If you need help figuring it out, please call me at work.

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