Lethargic, No appetite and green Diarrhea


5 Years
Mar 5, 2015
Cinnamon is an ex-battery hen who weighs approx 1.5k I have had her since May 2015, and she is usually the brightest, greediest little girl. I noticed last night that she was sitting alone and disinterested in her surroundings, however she took herself off to bed as usual. She has layers pellets and fresh water freely available all day, with afternoon treats such as chicken treat mix, tomatoes, sultanas, lettuce, cucumber. with the occasional addition of porridge or Probiotic Yoghurt, and a handful of corn before bed on cold nights.
This morning I found her in a nestbox looking sleepy, she came out when I called her, but was moving very slowly, and passed some green watery diarrhea. I offered her some food and water but she was not interested.
I have checked her for parasites, joint swellings and any signs of egg peritonitis and found no problems. There is no eye or nostril discharge. She is currently sleeping in the quiet with food and water available.
Her crop is empty, they were de-wormed in March and our vet did a parasite and Coccidiosis test which came back clear. Her tail is drooping and she has taken a couple of pecks at her food this morning but nothing significant.
Can anyone help please?
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Try doing a search on here of her symptoms. I just did, and saw that it may be impacted crop, parasites or coccidiosis. Also, if you don't get a response soon, keep updating this post to bring it back to the top of the list. That way someone will surely see it. Wish I could be of more help.
Good luck, hope it's not serious.
Cinnamon is an ex-battery hen who weighs approx 1.5k I have had her since May 2015, and she is usually the brightest, greediest little girl. I noticed last night that she was sitting alone and disinterested in her surroundings, however she took herself off to bed as usual.  She has layers pellets and fresh water freely available all day, with afternoon treats such as chicken treat mix, tomatoes, sultanas, lettuce, cucumber. with the occasional addition of porridge or Probiotic Yoghurt, and a handful of corn before bed on cold nights.
This morning I found her in a nestbox looking sleepy, she came out when I called her, but was moving very slowly, and passed some green watery diarrhea. I offered her some food and water but she was not interested.
I have checked her for parasites, joint swellings and any signs of egg peritonitis and found no problems. There is no eye or nostril discharge. She is currently sleeping in the quiet with food and water available.
Can anyone help please?

I would keep her warm, quiet, get as much electrolytes in her as possible, but no food. I agree it sounds like crop/digestive tract issues. Rule out being egg bound. How does crop feel? If you can get fluids in her, wouldn't hurt to give direct dose of Corid. When did you deworm last? It can be dicey to deworm if she has a blockage due to worms or something else. Killing worms with dewormer if blocked only adds to problem.
Her crop is empty, they were de-wormed in March and our vet did a parasite and Coccidiosis test which came back clear. Her tail is drooping and she has taken a couple of pecks at her food this morning.
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Her crop is empty, they were de-wormed in March and our vet did a parasite and Coccidiosis test which came back clear. Her tail is drooping and she has taken a couple of pecks at her food.
Are you certain about the EYP? We have a RIR hen the suffers from that on a regular basis. The symptoms you describe sound exactly like those that our hen exhibits at the onset of each episode. The diarrhea eventually contains the telltale watery scrambled egg substance.
I would keep an eye on the poop.
How is she today? Does she have a pale ish droopy comb?
We treat our hen with Penicillin injections when she suffers an episode.
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