Lethargic PBB not eating much and sitting


Apr 1, 2022
So this gal has slowed way down in the past week. Seems dazed. Not eating much at all. Last out of the run very slow to move. Off balance a bit.

Tried a scrambled egg just now took one bite.

Sitting alot while others free range. Slow walking. Not sure when she laid an egg last we have a few of this breed so it's hard to tell. I don't see anything up there and can't feel an egg bound.

Saw watery light green and white poop today just a small amount came out.

No mites anywhere on her, new coop and run last fall. Her sitting by side of run and tractor today is sad.

They all get 20 % pellets, oyster shell and grit. Scratch a few times a week as a treat. Have been free ranging an hour a day behind our shed all fenced in.

Gave her poultry drench to her beak she did drink that abit. Won't peck at scratch thrown in front of her. Walks around abit and pecks at the dirt. Then sits back down goes to sleep.

Any ideas?
Will check her crop in am.
Checked it tonight it doesn't seem doughy or hard.

She is 1.4 months old never been wormed. Never treated for anything.

We leave on Mon noon til Thursday night Im not comforable with what Im seeing. Would like to try something to help her before we go. Will try coconut oil and crop massages tomorrow.

Haven't seen others picking on her yet.

Update: just put her back in run she went straight to the coop and is sitting in a box but at night. 2 hours later she was out the tunnel into the run but on a crate in the corner not up on the long roost with the others. Not sure she can jump up to it right now. Plus it was dark.

Poor girl.

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This is her backside today.
Haven't gotten any poop shots yet I had to run to work. Home now and watching her again.

They have been free ranged alot more in past week or 2.

Going to rinse her off and inspect her again.
I wish I could help more. Poor little girl.

The symptoms just fit a whole range of things at this point.... Four main things come to me:

Egg bound?
Ingested something?

Low poop output, thus off her food... Green could be bile when no food content in digestive tract. Most likely not Mareks or Newcastle at this time.

Keep up fluids. Palpate. Separate from flock. Monitor with high frequency.
I'd start at the basics.

Get her cleaned up.
You're not sure is she's laying eggs - so give her Extra Calcium (600mg Calcium Citrate) for 3 days to see if this helps her expel an egg if she's struggling with that.

Check to make sure her crop is emptying overnight.

Look her over for lice/mites.

If possible, get a fecal float to rule out worms.

Work on encouraging her to eat/drink.

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